International Monetary Fund

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Euro Area Inflation after the Pandemic and Energy Shock: Import Prices, Profits and Wages

June 23, 2023
Working Paper No. 2023/131  click for more

The IMF-World Bank Climate Policy Assessment Tool (CPAT): A Model to Help Countries Mitigate Climate Change

June 23, 2023
Working Paper No. 2023/128  click for more

List of IMF Member Countries with Delays in Completion of Article IV Consultations or Mandatory Financial Stability Assessments Over 18 Months

June 23, 2023
Policy Paper No. 2023/028  click for more

External Shocks, Policies, and Tail-Shifts in Real Exchange Rates

June 23, 2023
Working Paper No. 2023/129  click for more

Sub-Saharan Africa’s Risk Perception Premium: In the Search of Missing Factors

June 23, 2023
Working Paper No. 2023/130  click for more

Foreign Currency Balance Sheets in Türkiye: Exposure and Interconnectedness

June 23, 2023
Working Paper No. 2023/132  click for more

Staff Guidance Note on Information Sharing in The Context of Sovereign Debt Restructurings

June 23, 2023
Policy Paper No. 2023/027  click for more

Iceland: Financial System Stability Assessment

June 23, 2023
Country Report No. 2023/220  click for more

Iceland: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Iceland

June 23, 2023
Country Report No. 2023/217  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with Iceland

June 23, 2023
The Icelandic economy has shown remarkable resilience and rebounded quickly from the multiple shocks in recent years. Real GDP grew by 6.4 percent in 2022, the fastest since 2007, on the back of a strong rebound in tourism and domestic demand, and higher incomes from an improvement in the terms of trade. The economy is currently operating well above potential which, together with high import and house prices, has pushed inflation significantly above target, and contributed to external imbalances. The Central Bank of Iceland has raised the policy rate by 800 basis points between April 2021 and May 2023, and tightened macroprudential measures. Fiscal policy was contractionary in 2022, though not enough to sufficiently slow domestic demand, and the underlying fiscal stance deteriorated.  click for more

The Government of Barbados Forms a Coalition of Multilateral Banks to Develop Resilient Infrastructure and to Drive New Social and Nature Capital Investments, Building on Its Resilience and Sustainability Facility at the IMF

June 23, 2023
The Government of Barbados announced at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris an integrated package of innovative initiatives to accelerate its transition to net zero, boost resilience, enfranchise workers, and draw in private sector investment while prudently managing public debt levels. These initiatives build on the ongoing climate policy reforms, supported by the Resilience and Sustainability Facility with the International Monetary Fund, which are expected to play a catalytic role in mobilizing private and public sector financing for climate projects.  click for more

IMF Managing Director Welcomes Debt Treatment Agreement Reached by Zambia and Its Official Creditors under the G20 Common Framework

June 22, 2023
“I warmly welcome Minister of Finance Situmbeko Musokotwane’s announcement that the Zambian authorities have reached an agreement with their official creditors on a debt treatment, consistent with the objectives of the IMF-supported program. This unique and innovative agreement specifies both a baseline and a contingent treatment that would be automatically triggered if the assessment of Zambia’s economic performance and policies improves.  click for more

Dominican Republic: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Dominican Republic

June 22, 2023
Country Report No. 2023/225  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with the Dominican Republic

June 22, 2023
The Dominican Republic’s economy has been one of the most dynamic and resilient in the Western Hemisphere over the last two decades, displaying an impressive recovery from the pandemic, supported by the authorities’ sound policies as well as positive global spillovers.  click for more

IMF Managing Director Remarks at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact

June 22, 2023
Thank you, President Macron, for hosting this Summit and for bringing such incredible energy to these important issues of debt, climate, and financing for development. And thank you for bringing the new World Bank President, Ajay Banga, and me on stage together for the first time in our new roles.  click for more

IMF Executive Board Completes the First Reviews under the Extended Fund Facility and the Resilience and Sustainability Facility with Barbados

June 22, 2023
Barbados is implementing an ambitious homegrown economic reform and climate policy agenda, aimed at strengthening fiscal sustainability, advancing structural reforms, unlocking the economy’s growth potential, increasing resilience to climate change, and greening the economy. These policies are supported by the EFF and RSF arrangements, which were approved on December 7, 2022, in an amount equivalent to SDR 85.05 million (about US$114 million) or 90 percent of quota, and SDR 141.75 million (about US$190 million) or 150 percent of quota, respectively (see Press Release No. 22/417).  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes the Fourth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement for the Republic of Madagascar

June 22, 2023
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) completed yesterday the fourth review of Madagascar’s economic program under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF). The completion of the review enables the disbursement of SDR 24.44 million (about US$ 32.7 million) to cover external and fiscal financing needs, bringing total disbursements under the arrangement to SDR 171.08 million (about US$ 228.7million).  click for more

IDB and IMF to Deepen Ties to Catalyze Climate Reforms and Private Sector Resources for Climate Action

June 22, 2023
Ilan Goldfajn, President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) met to discuss the details of an enhanced collaboration to support climate reforms and catalyze private sector resources in Latin America and the Caribbean, within the parameters of their respective mandates.  click for more

Rwanda, Team Europe and partners pioneer an additional EUR 300 million financing to crowd in private investment and build climate resilience following Resilience and Sustainability Facility arrangement with the International Monetary Fund

June 22, 2023
Building on the Resilience and Sustainability Facility with the International Monetary Fund, The Government of Rwanda, together with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), European Investment Bank (EIB), Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), are announcing a cooperative approach today to facilitate public-private partnership, scale-up climate finance and crowd in private climate investment that will mobilize additional EUR 300 million to build climate resilience in Rwanda.  click for more

Interest in Central Bank Digital Currencies Picks Up in Latin America and the Caribbean While Crypto Use Varies

June 22, 2023
CBDCs—if well designed—could lower remittances’ costs and improve financial inclusion. But for crypto assets to safely remain part of the payment system, they need to be regulated.  click for more

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