International Monetary Fund

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The Leisure Gains from International Trade

January 19, 2024
Working Paper No. 2024/016  click for more

U.S. Monetary Policy Spillovers to Middle East and Central Asia: Shocks, Fundamentals, and Propagations

January 19, 2024
Working Paper No. 2024/014  click for more

Fueling or Following Growth? Causal Effects of Capital Inflows on Recipient Economies

January 19, 2024
Working Paper No. 2024/015  click for more

The Macroeconomic Consequences of Import Tariffs and Trade Policy Uncertainty

January 19, 2024
Working Paper No. 2024/013  click for more

Transcript of Press Briefing at the Conclusion of the IMF Staff Visit to Sri Lanka

January 19, 2024
Transcript of Press Briefing at the Conclusion of the IMF Staff Visit to Sri Lanka  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with Ghana and Completes First Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement

January 19, 2024
The IMF Executive Board today completed the 2023 Article IV consultation and the first review of Ghana’s 36-month Extended Credit Facility arrangement. Approval of the first review enables the immediate disbursement of SDR 451.4 million (about US$600 million).  click for more

Nicaragua: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report

January 19, 2024
Country Report No. 2024/018  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with Nicaragua

January 19, 2024
Nicaragua’s economy has remained resilient in the face of multiple shocks, supported by appropriate economic policies, substantial buffers, and multilateral support. After a very strong rebound in 2021, the economy grew at a steady pace since 2022 and is expected to grow by 4 percent in 2023. Inflation is declining, and the central government is maintaining a small surplus and healthy government deposits. Remittances are projected to reach about 28 percent of GDP at end-2023, double their end-2021 level, and supporting a turnaround in the current account balance to a surplus of about 4 percent of GDP in 2023. The foreign exchange inflows and prudent macroeconomic policies, contributed to a rapid accumulation of gross international reserves to US $5 billion by end-October (or about 6 months of imports, excluding maquila).  click for more

Maldives: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Bank Stress Testing and Climate Risk Analysis

January 19, 2024
Country Report No. 2024/019  click for more

Maldives: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Macroprudential Policy

January 19, 2024
Country Report No. 2024/021  click for more

Maldives: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Financial Safety Net and Crisis Management Arrangements

January 19, 2024
Country Report No. 2024/020  click for more

IMF Staff Concludes Visit to Sri Lanka

January 19, 2024
The economic reform program implemented by the Sri Lankan authorities is yielding the first signs of recovery with positive real GDP growth in the third quarter of 2023, low inflation, increased revenue collection, and a build-up of external reserves.  click for more

IMF Reaches Staff-Level Agreement with Jamaica on the Second Reviews of the Precautionary and Liquidity Line (PLL) and the Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF) and Conducted the 2024 Article IV Consultation

January 18, 2024
The IMF team and the Jamaican authorities reached a staff-level agreement on the completion of the second reviews of Jamaica’s PLL and RSF. The IMF’s Executive Board is expected to consider these reviews in February.  click for more

Australia: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Australia

January 18, 2024
Country Report No. 2024/011  click for more

Australia: Selected Issues

January 18, 2024
Country Report No. 2024/012  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with Australia

January 18, 2024
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation with Australia.  click for more

IMF Reaches Staff-Level Agreement with Jamaica on the Second Reviews of the Precautionary and Liquidity Line (PLL) and the Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF) and Conducted the 2024 Article IV Consultation

January 18, 2024
The IMF team and the Jamaican authorities reached a staff-level agreement on the completion of the second reviews of Jamaica’s PLL and RSF. The IMF’s Executive Board is expected to consider these reviews in February.  click for more

The Gambia: Selected Issues

January 18, 2024
Country Report No. 2024/016  click for more

The Gambia: 2023 Article IV Consultation and Request for an Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for The Gambia

January 18, 2024
Country Report No. 2024/015  click for more

Kenya: Selected Issues

January 17, 2024
Country Report No. 2024/014  click for more

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