International Monetary Fund

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IMF Staff Reaches Staff-Level Agreement with Bangladesh on the Extended Credit Facility/Extended Fund Facility and the Resilience and Sustainability Facility

November 9 , 2022
IMF Staff Reaches Staff-Level Agreement with Bangladesh on the Extended Credit Facility/Extended Fund Facility and the Resilience and Sustainability Facility  click for more

IMF Reaches Staff Level Agreement on the Fourth Reviews of the Extended Fund Facility and Extended Credit Facility for Kenya

November 8 , 2022
IMF Reaches Staff Level Agreement on the Fourth Reviews of the Extended Fund Facility and Extended Credit Facility for Kenya  click for more

Gender Diversity In The Executive Board—Report Of The Executive Board To The Board Of Governors

November 8 , 2022
Policy Paper No. 2022/050  click for more

Cross-Border Digital Payment Systems: The Case of Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Beyond

November 8 , 2022
A revolution in digital technology and telecommunication has made an outsized impact on financial services and payments in the last three decades. We access our bank accounts from our phones, make instantaneous transfers, and buy goods and services online. Within countries, these new ways to access digital financial services have made payment systems very efficient, inexpensive, and more inclusive. Progress on cross-border payments, however, has been much slower. Moving money from one country to another can still be slow, expensive, and inconvenient.  click for more

Guidance For The Investment Of Temporary Resources To Generate Income To Contribute To PRG, PRG-HIPC, And CCR Trusts Assets

November 7 , 2022
Policy Paper No. 2022/049  click for more

IMF Reaches Staff-Level Agreement on First Review for Georgia’s Stand-By Arrangement

November 7 , 2022
IMF Reaches Staff-Level Agreement on First Review for Georgia’s Stand-By Arrangement  click for more

A Low-Carbon Future for the Middle East and Central Asia: What are the Options?

November 6 , 2022

IMF Team Reach Staff-level Agreement with Mauritania on a three-year Extended Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements and Concluded an Article IV Mission to Mauritania

November 11, 2022
IMF Team Reach Staff-level Agreement with Mauritania on a three-year Extended Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements and Concluded an Article IV Mission to Mauritania  click for more

IMF Reaches Staff Level Agreement with Cabo Verde on the First Review of the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement

November 11, 2022
IMF Reaches Staff Level Agreement with Cabo Verde on the First Review of the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement  click for more

Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust―2022: Borrowing Agreements With The Government of Canada As Represented By The Minister Of Finance, The Bank Of Italy, The Government Of Japan, And The Bank Of Spain

November 11, 2022
Policy Paper No. 2022/051  click for more

Introductory Remarks by the First Deputy Managing Director at 23rd Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference

November 10, 2022
Gita Gopinath addressed the 23rd Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference, celebrating Maury Obstfeld's contributions to economics. She highlighted Obstfeld's influential works on currency crises, open economy Keynesian framework, and global imbalances. Gopinath discussed current challenges, including the strengthening dollar, financial fragility, and geo-economic fragmentation. She emphasized the importance of cooperation to address these challenges. The conference aimed to explore these issues through presentations and discussions. Gopinath concluded by welcoming attendees to the first session on currency areas and the dominance of the US dollar.  click for more

Eighth Richard Goode Lecture: Innovation, Experimentation, and Economics

November 10, 2022

Mexico: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Systemic Liquidity Management

November 10, 2022
Country Report No. 2022/338  click for more

Mexico: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Selected Issues in Financial Safety Net Arrangements and Financial Crisis Preparedness

November 10, 2022
Country Report No. 2022/339  click for more

Mexico: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Cyber Resilience and Financial Stability

November 10, 2022
Country Report No. 2022/340  click for more

Ugandan Climate Activists Fight Deforestation by Planting

November 10, 2022
How to finance renewable energy may be the dominant question in global public policy discussions of climate change. But at a very local level, two Ugandan activists are making the case that when communities get involved, climate adaptation doesn’t have to cost much.  click for more

Introductory Remarks by the Managing Director at the 23rd Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference

November 10, 2022
Introductory Remarks by the Managing Director at 23rd Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference  click for more

Remarks by the Managing Director at the First High-Level Ministerial Dialogue on the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance

November 9 , 2022
We know the investment needs for climate adaptation and mitigation are very large – far exceeding the $100 billion that advanced economies have committed to provide to developing counties. But if we don’t know much will be required, we cannot gauge our progress towards delivering it. So, we need better measures of net investment needs, for both mitigation and adaptation.  click for more

Remarks by the Managing Director at COP27's Finance Day Opening Ceremony

November 9 , 2022
We have widespread hunger. We see poverty going up. Energy prices are soaring. And most significantly, we are living through geopolitical fragmentation. At a time when we need each other the most—particularly to address the climate crisis—it is harder to work together. So, what should we do in this environment? First, face reality and embrace change. What is reality? You hear people sharing that we will cut emissions between now and 2030 by 11 percent. Except that our research shows that to keep the dream of the Paris Agreement alive, we've need to cut emissions by somewhere between 25 and 50 percent. So, we are falling short.  click for more

Ireland: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Stress Testing and Systemic Risk Analysis

November 9 , 2022
Country Report No. 2022/337  click for more

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