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Fragmentation in Global Trade: Accounting for Commodities

March 24, 2023
Working Paper No. 2023/073  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2022 Article IV Consultation with Panama

March 24, 2023
In the decade-and-half preceding the Covid-19 pandemic, an unprecedented construction and investment boom precipitated a rapid economic expansion in Panama. The Panama Canal and Tocumen Airport were expanded, there was large scale building of new skyscrapers in Panama City, and one of the largest copper mines in the world was constructed. Economic growth was further supported by the expansion of the services and logistics sectors, which benefited from the widening of the Panama Canal. With a rapid expansion of the capital stock, real GDP grew by 6 percent annually, poverty declined sharply, and income levels rapidly converged with those in advanced countries.  click for more

Panama: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Panama

March 24, 2023
Country Report No. 2023/122  click for more

IMF Staff Completes Discussions for the Sixth Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement for The Gambia

March 24, 2023
A team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), led by Mr. Ivohasina Fizara Razafimahefa, Mission Chief for The Gambia, held discussions with the Gambian authorities during March 14–24, 2023, on the sixth review of The Gambia’s economic program supported by the IMF’s Extended Credit Facility (ECF) arrangement.  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with Peru

March 24, 2023
Against the background of a strong economic performance over the last quarter of a century, Peru has been hit by multiple shocks in the last several years. Adequate policies and very strong macroeconomic policy frameworks have made the economy resilient. Following a steep decline in 2020 at the outset of the pandemic and a rapid recovery in 2021, growth slowed significantly in 2022 as the policy stimulus was withdrawn and external and financial conditions deteriorated, while road blockades and strikes at major mining sites adversely affected copper production and exports. Inflation has declined recently but remains well above the target range. The unemployment rate and poverty continue falling but are still above the pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels. While volatility in financial markets has recently increased in line with global trends, the Peruvian banking system remains well-capitalized, and its profitability continues to recover from the impact of the pandemic. Recent developments suggest that the government needs to work across the political spectrum to restore confidence, preserve stability, accelerate structural reforms to boost economic activity, and tackle inequality, poverty, and weaknesses in the education, health, and pension systems.  click for more

IMF Staff Completes 2023 Article IV Mission to Mali

March 24, 2023
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team, led by Ms. Wenjie Chen, conducted discussions virtually on the 2023 Article IV consultation with Mali from March 6 to March 17, 2023. The mission held constructive discussions with a broad range of counterparts including the government and private sector to exchange views on economic prospects and risks, progress on reform, challenges, and policies.  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2022 Article IV Consultation with the Republic of Tajikistan

March 24, 2023
Tajikistan continued to experience strong growth in 2022, with minimal disruption from the war in Ukraine as strong financial inflows supported domestic demand and liquidity. Real GDP increased by 8 percent in 2022, while higher remittances kept the current account in surplus and helped increase FX reserves to around 8 months’ import coverage. Twelve-month inflation remained well-contained at 4.2 percent in December, below the mid-point of the NBT’s medium-term target range of 6 (±2) percent. The fiscal deficit is estimated at 1.4 percent of GDP in 2022, implying a modest expansion due to increased capital spending, but remained below the 2.5 percent of GDP deficit target, helping to anchor a projected decline in public debt to 35 percent of GDP. Financial soundness indicators continued to improve as the resolution of two large banks in 2021 has helped clean up legacy loans in the banking system.  click for more

Poland: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2023 Article IV Mission

March 24, 2023
Following an impressive recovery from the pandemic, the Polish economy has been struck by the effects of Russia’s war in Ukraine, which have contributed to high inflation and slowing growth. Poland is graciously hosting 1 million refugees from Ukraine, reflecting the commendable efforts of the authorities and the Polish people. The main policy challenge is to lower inflation back to the target without unduly weakening the economy.  click for more

Transcript of IMF Press Briefing

March 23, 2023
Transcript of IMF Press Briefing  click for more

Colombia: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Colombia

March 23, 2023
Country Report No. 2023/120  click for more

Colombia: Selected Issues

March 23, 2023
Country Report No. 2023/121  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with Colombia

March 23, 2023
Benefiting from an effective policy response to the pandemic and highly favorable terms of trade, Colombia’s economy grew at 7.5 percent year-on-year in 2022; one of the fastest rates among emerging economies. Against this robust recovery, high commodity prices, and weather-related shocks, headline inflation reached 13.3 percent year-on-year in February 2023 and the current account deficit widened from 5.6 in 2021 to 6.2 percent of GDP in 2022.  click for more

Lebanon: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2023 Article IV Mission

March 23, 2023
Lebanon is at a particularly difficult juncture. For over three years, it has been facing an unprecedented crisis, with severe economic dislocation, a dramatic depreciation of the Lebanese lira and triple-digit inflation that have had a staggering impact on people’s lives and livelihoods. Unemployment and emigration have increased sharply, and poverty is at historically high levels. The provision of basic services like electricity, public health, and public education have been severely disrupted, and essential social support programs and public investment have collapsed. More broadly, capacity in public administration has been critically weakened. Banks are unable to extend credit to the economy and bank deposits are mostly inaccessible to customers. The presence of a large number of refugees exacerbates Lebanon’s challenges.  click for more

IMF Staff Completes 2023 Article IV Mission to Indonesia

March 22, 2023
IMF Staff Completes 2023 Article IV Mission to Indonesia  click for more

Staff Guidance Note on The Implementation of The IMF Strategy for Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCS)

March 22, 2023
Policy Paper No. 2023/010  click for more

Georgia: Technical Assistance Report-Operationalizing the New Bank Recovery and Resolution Framework

March 22, 2023
Country Report No. 2023/119  click for more

IMF Executive Board Approves US$918 million Under the Extended Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility for Papua New Guinea

March 22, 2023
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today approved 38-month arrangements under the Extended Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility for Papua New Guinea (PNG) in the amount of SDR684.3 million (equivalent to US$918 million). The program seeks to protect the vulnerable and foster inclusive growth. The reforms will focus on strengthening debt sustainability, alleviating foreign exchange (FX) shortages, and enhancing governance and operationalizing the anti-corruption framework.  click for more

Vanuatu: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Vanuatu

March 22, 2023
Country Report No. 2023/115  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with Vanuatu

March 22, 2023
The reopening of borders and strong public infrastructure investment are paving the way for a faster recovery. GDP growth is expected to rise to 3.5 percent in 2023. Agricultural production, remittance inflows, and strong recovery in trading partners will support the economic activity. High energy and global commodity prices are pushing up headline inflation and widening the current account deficit, but core inflation remains subdued for now. Fiscal policy is expected to remain expansionary in the near term as the implementation of externally financed infrastructure projects accelerates. Monetary policy remains appropriately on hold amid weak private credit growth and negative output gap. The Economic Citizenship Program (ECP) is facing significant challenges, with important implications for revenue collection and governance. The financial and operational challenges of Air Vanuatu are worsening and affecting the economy in general, particularly the tourism sector. The banking sector weathered the pandemic well. However, elevated non-performing loans (NPLs), particularly for households, remain a concern.  click for more

South Africa: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2023 Article IV Mission

March 22, 2023
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Papa N’Diaye visited South Africa on March 1-17 to hold meetings with the economic authorities and other counterparts from the public and private sectors for the 2023 Article IV annual consultation. Discussions focused on policies to ensure macro-financial stability and the far-reaching reforms needed to durably lift potential growth, create jobs, reduce poverty and inequality, and facilitate the transition to a greener economy.  click for more

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