The Interim Committee known officially as the "Interim Committee of the Boards of Governors on the International Monetary System", was established in October 1974 to advise the Board of Governors of the IMF on supervising the management and adaptation of the international monetary system as well as dealing with disturbances that might threaten the system. The Committee, whose members are Governors of the IMF, Ministers, or others of comparable rank, reflects the composition of the IMF's Executive Board: each member country that appoints, and each group that elects, an Executive Director, appoints a member of the Committee, which currently has 24 members. The Chairman is Philippe Maystadt, Minister of Finance of Belgium.


The Development Committee, known officially as the "Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries", was also established in October 1974. It consists of 24 members, generally Ministers of Finance, appointed in turn to successive periods of two years by one of the countries or groups of countries that designates a member of the Bank's or the IMF's Board of Executive Directors. The Committee advises and reports to the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the IMF on all aspects of the broad question of the transfer of real resources to developing countries, and makes suggestions for their implementation. The Chairman is Mohamed Kabbaj, Minister of Finance and Foreign Investment of Morocco.


The Group of 10 Ministers was formed in 1962 in conjunction with the establishment of the General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB), under which the Governments of nine members, Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States, and the central banks of two others, Germany and Sweden, make resources available to the IMF for drawings by participants, and, under certain circumstances, finance drawings by nonparticipants. The Chairman of the Ministers is Gerrit Zalm, Finance Minister of the Netherlands.


The Group of 24 Ministers was formed at the 1972 Lima meeting of the Group of 77 to represent the interests of the developing countries in negotiations on international monetary matters. The Group, which is officially known as the "Intergovernmental Group of 24 on International Monetary Affairs", is not an organ of the IMF. However, the IMF or World Bank provides secretariat services for the Group, whose meetings usually take place in conjunction with those of the Interim and Development Committees to enable developing members to discuss agenda items before the meetings of the two Committees, and to work towards the implementation of its Revised Plan of Immediate Action, put forward in 1985. The Group of 24 comprises eight members each from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The Group's members are: Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Iran, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, and Zaire. China attends as an invitee. The Chairman of the Ministers is Muhammad Yaqub, Governor State Bank of Pakistan; the Chairman of the Deputies is Azizali Mohammed, Special Advisor to the Governor, State Bank of Pakistan.

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