Papers presented at the IMF African Economic Research Consortium Seminar on Trade Reform and Regional Integration in Africa
December 1–3, 1997

IMF Institute

©1998 International Monetary Fund

Ordering Information

Trade Reform and Regional Integration in Africa
Editors: Zubair Iqbal and Mohsin S. Khan

    Stanley Fischer
List of Abbreviations
1   Opening Address
   Alassane Ouattara
2   Trade Reforms and Regional Integration--An Overview
Zubair Iqbal and Mohsin S. Khan
Part I. Trade Reform, Macroeconomic Adjustment, and Growth
3   Trade Liberalization
Michael Mussa
4   Trade Liberalization in Sub-Saharan Africa
Robert Sharer
5   The Revenue Implications of Trade Liberalization
Liam P. Ebrill and Janet G. Stotsky
6   Globalization: Implications for Africa
Paul Collier
7   Why Is Trade Reform So Difficult in Africa?
Dani Rodrik
8   Africa's Role in Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Past and Future
Zhen Kun Wang and L. Alan Winters
9   Trade and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
Benno J. Ndulu and Njuguna S. Ndung'u
10   Africa: Industrialization Strategy in the Context of Globalization
Charles Chukwuma Soludo
Part II. Regional Integration in Africa
11   Regional Integration: Lessons from Asia and the Western Hemisphere
Gary Hufbauer and Barbara Kotschwar
12   Trade Policy and Regional Integration in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ademola Oyejide
13   Beyond Trade: Regional Arrangements as a Window on Globalization
Christian A. François and Arvind Subramanian
14   Regional Integration, Trade, and Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ibrahim A. Elbadawi and Francis M. Mwega
15   Sub-Saharan African Experiences with Regional Integration
Ernest Aryeetey
16   Regional Integration Arrangements in Southern Africa: SADC and SACU
Trudi Hartzenberg and Gavin Maasdorp
17   Regional Trade Arrangements: The COMESA Experience
Louis A. Kasekende and Charles A. Abuka
18   The Role of ECOWAS in Trade Liberalization
Charles D. Jebuni
List of Participants



In recent years, economic performance in most of sub-Saharan Africa has improved. Growth has picked up, resulting in an increase in per capita output in a number of countries, inflation has decelerated markedly, and the fiscal and external deficits have been reduced. In large part, the economic recovery can be attributed to improved macroeconomic and structural policies rather than to favorable external developments, such as terms of trade gains. Indeed, these favorable developments have been achieved at a time when official development assistance has been declining. Key structural reforms have been implemented in many African countries, including curtailing of price controls, dismantling of some inefficient public monopolies, privatization, elimination of nontariff barriers in most countries, and a reduction in import duties in many. At the same time, exchange rates have been largely freed and unified, restrictions on current transactions liberalized, and important progress has been made toward market-determined interest rates in most countries.

The economic situation remains difficult. But sub-Saharan Africa may have reached a turning point. The incipient improvements need to be nursed assiduously if the recent gains are to be translated into sustained growth.

Experience and research demonstrate that trade liberalization is a critical element in a growth strategy. As part of the effort to address trade issues in Africa, the IMF, in collaboration with the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), conducted a seminar on Trade Reform and Regional Integration in Africa in Washington in early December 1997. The event provided an important opportunity to government officials, academics, and representatives from multilateral and regional agencies to exchange views on the complex issues relating to trade reform and regionalism in Africa. This volume brings together papers presented during the seminar. They cover a range of important issues, including the role of trade liberalization in promoting sustained growth, interdependence of trade and macroeconomic policies, impediments to effective trade reforms, and steps needed to accelerate trade reform in Africa. The role that regional interaction can play in supporting trade reform is also covered extensively.

What emerges from these papers, and the ensuing seminar discussions, is a clear consensus that trade liberalization is essential if African countries are to take advantage of globalization. Combining forces with similarly placed African countries through the formation of appropriate regional trading arrangements can lead to faster liberalization and can reduce vulnerability to external shocks.
First Deputy Managing Director
International Monetary Fund