Background Paper

Summary of Proceedings

List of Lead Speakers and Lead Discussants

IMF Seminars, Conferences and Workshops
See Also:
Balance of Payments Home Page

Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB): metadata on SDDS and GDDS data categories

External Debt Statistics: debt data,
conference on capital flows and debt statistics, draft Guide for Compilers and Users, and other
selected publications

Treatment of Accrued Interest Discussion Forum



Conference on Capital Flows and Debt Statistics:
Can We Get Better Data Faster?
Agenda |

Conference Sponsored by The Statistics Department and the Policy and Development Review Department of the
International Monetary Fund in Cooperation with the Financial Stability Forum Working
Group on Capital Flows

Washington, D.C., February 23–24, 2000
Purpose: To bring together data users and compilers to review the capital flow and
debt data needed to improve policy making and facilitate risk management, and, in particular,
to discuss the questions: What actions and resources would be required to provide better data
more quickly and what should be given priority?
Wednesday, February 23
| 7:00 p.m. |
Working Dinner (Venue: IMF Headquarters, The
Welcome (Ms. Carol Carson)
Objective of the conference and main issues (Mr. Stanley
Perspective from the FSF Working Group on Capital Flows (Mr.
Mario Draghi)
Close (Mr. Jack Boorman)
Thursday, February 24 (Venue: IMF Headquarters,
Room B-702)
Improving the Framework--Coverage, Quality, Periodicity, and
Timeliness of Capital Flow and Debt Statistics
Debtor and IIP Data

9:00 a.m. |
1. Core data
Purpose: |
To discuss improvements in the core debtor data such as those
proposed for the new SDDS data category for external debt (within the IIP framework), their
purposes, and the practicalities of compiling the data.

(Issues include: frequency and timeliness; transition periods; information on short-term

Introduction (Ms. Carol Carson)
Speakers (Mr. Nouriel Roubini and Mr. Paul Cheung)
Discussants (Mr. Lewis Alexander and Mr. Deepak Mohanty)
General discussion
10:30 a.m. |
Coffee break
11:00 a.m. |
2. Supplementary data
To discuss what other debtor information is required and the
practicalities of compiling the data.

(Issues include: financial derivatives; domestic versus foreign currency denomination;
nominal versus market values, etc.)

Introduction (Ms. Carol Carson)
Speakers (Mr. Paul Tucker and Ms. Miki Eran)
Discussant (Ms. Christina Kruse)
General discussion
12:30 p.m. |
Review and Summing Up by Chair (Ms. Carol
12:45 p.m. |
Luncheon Hosted by the IMF
Address by Ms. Caroline Atkinson
Creditor and Market Data
To discuss selected initiatives underway by international
organizations and by national compilers to close some of the gaps in the availability of
external debt data by making use of creditor and market sources of information.
2:30 p.m. |
BIS data; Joint Debt Statistics; Coordinated Portfolio Investment
Survey; offshore financial centers; and securities databases

Introduction (Mr. Jack Boorman)
Speakers (Mr. Philip Turner and Mr. Guillermo Le Fort)
Discussants (Mr. Enrique Sanchez and Mr. Antonello
General discussion
4:00 p.m. |
Coffee break
Other Initiatives
To discuss areas where high-frequency information is needed,
with focus on systems used by national authorities to monitor foreign exchange transactions
and positions, including for market surveillance purposes.
4:30 p.m. |
High frequency reporting

Introduction (Mr. Jack Boorman)
Speakers (Mr. James Lau and Mr. Dino Kos)
General discussion
5:30 p.m. |
Review and Summing up by Chairs--Mr. Jack Boorman and Ms.
Carol Carson
List of Lead Speakers and Lead Discussants
(in order of presentation) |
Ms. | Carol Carson, Director, Statistics
Department, IMF |
Mr. | Stanley Fischer, Acting Managing Director,
Mr. | Mario Draghi, Director General, Ministry of
the Treasury, Italy |
Mr. | Jack Boorman, Director, Policy
Development and Review Department, IMF |
Mr. | Nouriel Roubini, Director, Office of Policy
Development and Review, U.S. Treasury |
Mr. | Paul Cheung, Chief Statistician, Department
of Statistics, Singapore |
Mr. | Lewis Alexander, Managing Director,
Salomon Smith Barney |
Mr. | Deepak Mohanty, Director, Division of
International Finance, Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of
India |
Mr. | Paul Tucker, Deputy Director, Financial
Stability, Bank of England |
Ms. | Miki Eran, Controller of Foreign Exchange,
Israel |
Ms. | Christina Kruse, Bundesbankdirektorin,
Balance of Payments Statistics, Deutsche Bundesbank |
Ms. | Caroline Atkinson, Senior Deputy Assistant
Secretary, International Monetary & Financial Policy, U.S. Treasury |
Mr. | Philip Turner, Head of Secretariat,
Emerging Markets, BIS |
Mr. | Guillermo Le Fort, Division Manager,
Banco Central de Chile |
Mr. | Enrique Sanchez, Senior Vice President,
Bank of America |
Mr. | Antonello Biagioli, Director, Statistics
Department, Ufficio Italiano dei Cambi, Italy |
Mr. | James Lau, Executive Director, Hong Kong
Monetary Authority |
Mr. | Dino Kos, Senior Vice President, Federal
Reserve Bank of New York |