Quarterly National Accounts Manual--Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation

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QNA Manual - 2017 Edition

Quarterly National Accounts Manual—
Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation

Adriaan M. Bloem, Robert J. Dippelsman, and Nils O. Maehle

Final Version; © 2001 International Monetary Fund
May 10, 2001

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Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) data play a vital role in developing and monitoring sound economic and financial programs. The recent financial crises taught us that availability of timely key high-frequency data is critical for detecting sources of vulnerability and implementing corrective measures in time. This Manual has been drafted to help countries establish or strengthen quarterly national accounts that meet users needs. It has been designed for compilers who have a knowledge of national accounting concepts and methods in an annual context and are in the process of introducing or improving a QNA system. As well, the Manual should be of interest to sophisticated QNA users. The Manual is a direct result of material prepared for training seminars and technical assistance in support of the Special Data Dissemination Standard, and it has benefited from comments from country experts during these seminars and during an expert group meeting in June 2000, in which country experts and experts from other international organizations participated. It takes its place alongside the other manuals prepared or being prepared in the IMF's Statistics Department, and, like these other manuals, it is fully consistent with the System of National Accounts 1993.
Foreword (130k pdf file)
Preface (130k pdf file)
Introduction (130k pdf file)
Strategic Issues in Quarterly National Accounts (112k pdf file)
Sources for GDP and Its Compoments (198k pdf file)
Sources for Other Components of the 1993 SNA (73k pdf file)
Editing and Reconciliation (57k pdf file)
Benchmarking (261k pdf file)
Mechanical Projections (49k pdf file)
Seasonal Adjustment and Estimation of Trend-Cycles (162k pdf file)
Price and Volume Measures: Specific QNA-ANA Issues (207k pdf file)
Work-in-Progress (91k pdf file)
Revision Policy and the Compilation and Release Schedule (112k pdf file)
Bibliography (90k pdf file)

Index (90k pdf file)