Table 1. GCC: Summary Economic and Social Indicators


Nominal GDP
(US$ bill)
GDP per
capita (US$)
Real GDP growth
Real per capita GDP growth

Bahrain 4.9 8,675 5.4 3.5
Kuwait 25.3 18,068 19.6 11.3
Oman 11.2 5,345 5.3 0.1
Qatar 8.2 16,520 -0.2 -4.0
Saudi Arabia 124.1 6,602 -0.4 -3.9
United Arab Emirates 39.5 17,194 -0.2 -4.4

GCC 213.3 8,312 2.5 -1.0

Middle East and North Africa 612.1 2,081 2.5 0.2
Developing Countries 5,819.0 1,327 6.1 4.1
Industrial Countries 22,228.3 27,101 1.8 1.2
World 28,876.2 5,148 2.9 1.2

Health 1
Life expectancy (years) Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births) Population per physician (persons)

Bahrain 72 17.6 799 2
Kuwait 75 17.2 609
Oman 70 29.0 1,202
Qatar 72 19.4 665
Saudi Arabia 70 27.8 708
United Arab Emirates 74 18.2 1,095

GCC 72 21.5 846

Middle East and North Africa 65 52.3 3,571
Developing Countries ... ... ...
Industrial Countries ... ... ...
World 66 48.0 3 5,860


Illiteracy (% of population)
(age 15+)
Primary enrollment
(% school age pop.) (%)
Secondary enrollment
(% school age pop.) (%)
Pupil-teacher ratio: primary schools Pupil-teacher ratio: secondary schools

Bahrain 23 93 97 21 20
Kuwait 27 61 51 16 11
Oman ... 100 57 27 18
Qatar 24 2 95 82 7 7
Saudi Arabia 38 78 46 14 12
United Arab Emirates ... 118 69 17 14 2

GCC 28 91 67 17 14

Middle East and North Africa 45 97 56 26 21
Developing Countries ... ... ... ... ...
Industrial Countries ... ... ... ... ...
World ... ... ... ... ...

Sources: International Monetary Fund.

1. Most recent estimate (1993).
2. Latest available annual data during 1980-85.
3. Latest available annual data during 1970-75.

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