International Monetary Fund


Government Finance Statistics (GFS) Questionnaires, Templates, and Classification Assistants

Last Updated: October 13, 2016

This webpage provides information on various aspects related to the compilation of statistics according to the GFSM 2014. Comments on any of the material posted on this webpage should be sent to


Annual GFS Questionnaire

The Annual GFS Questionnaire is for country compilers to report detailed annual GFS for inclusion in the IMF GFS database and the Government Finance Statistics Yearbook. The questionnaire seeks to collect detailed information on revenue, expenditure (both function expenditure and by economic classification), balance sheet positions, counterparty information and metadata for all levels of Government in a country. The GFS Database Portal can be found at

The current version of the questionnaire can be downloaded from the IMF’s Integrated Collection System (ICS) at To access the questionnaire, you must be registered to use ICS. Please register directly online If you have any questions about ICS, please refer to the online help information at or contact us at .

Background information to the GFSM 2014 annual GFS Questionnaire:

Guidelines for responding to the GFSM 2014 questionnaire Main changes from the GFSM 2001-based questionnaire Overview of Data Requested and changes in Version 1.5 of the Questionnaire
English English English
Español Español Español
Français Français Français
Русский Русский Русский

High-Frequency GFS Questionnaire

The High Frequency GFS Questionnaire is for country compilers to report summary monthly or quarterly GFS for inclusion in the IMF IFS Database and the International Financial Statistics. The questionnaire seeks to collect summary information on revenue, expenditure, balance sheet positions for either budgetary central government, central government or consolidated general government. The IFS Database Portal can be found at

The current version of the questionnaire can be downloaded from the IMF’s Integrated Collection System (ICS) at To access the questionnaire, you must be registered to use ICS. Please register directly online at . If you have any questions about ICS, please refer to the online help information at or contact us at .

GFS compilers in member countries can also send an e-mail to to request an electronic copy of this Questionnaire.

Assistance in completing GFS Questionnaires

GFS Data is requested using the framework in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014. The Framework is flexible and allows for either cash or accrual based data to be reported, and all data reported to the IMF is sought on a best effort basis.

If you need help or advice when completing the annual or high frequency questionnaires you can make contact with the IMF Statistics Department Government Finance Division. Each country has an assigned economist and GFS expert who will be able to provide advice and assistance on how to fill in the questionnaire or how to bridge national fiscal data into the IMF standard GFS presentation.

If you need assistance, please send an email to

Related Links

GFSM 2014 methodology may be influenced by developments in other statistical and accounting methodologies. Information on developments in these areas can be obtained from the links below.

Task Force on Finance Statistics (TFFS)
International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board
United Nations: System of National Accounts 2008
Eurostat: Government Finance Statistics
Government Finance Statistics Advisory Committee