Globalization and Africa

Overview of the Main Issues
Saleh M. Nsouli and Françoise Le Gall
Africa Faces Challenges of Globalization
Mohamed Daouas
What Africa Needs to Do to Benefit from Globalization
S. Ibi Ajayi
The Need for Stronger Domestic Policies and International Support
Evangelos A. Calamitsis
An Agenda for Trade, Investment, and Regional Integration
Robert Sharer
The Role of Institutional Reforms
Seyni N'Diaye
Mauritius: A Case Study
Arvind Subramanian
"And they (the political parties in Mauritius) seem to recognize that, at the end of the day, they will be left with what they started with: an agricultural colony, created by empire in an empty island and always meant to be part of something larger, now given a thing called independence and set adrift, an abandoned imperial barracoon, incapable of economic or cultural autonomy."
"They (the Mauritians) have such confidence in their rights, their votes, the power of their opinions."
—V.S. Naipaul,
The Overcrowded Barracoon
Growth Strategy for North Africa: A Regional Approach
Paul Chabrier
How Tunisia Is Meeting the Challenges of Globalization
Abdellatif Saddem
Making Globalization Work in Africa
G. E. Gondwe
The New International Financial Architecture and Africa
Saleh M. Nsouli and Françoise Le Gall
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