Rules and Regulations of the International Monetary Fund


S-1. The Managing Director shall report to the Executive Board any facts on the basis of which it appears to him that a participant is not fulfilling obligations under the Articles that could lead to suspension under Article XXIII, Section 2, and may include a complaint in his report.

Adopted September 18, 1969, amended April 1, 1978

S-2. A participant may complain that another participant is not fulfilling obligations under the Articles that could lead to suspension under Article XXIII, Section 2, and the Managing Director shall transmit the complaint to the Executive Board with his comments. Any complaint shall be made in writing or by any rapid means of communication, and it shall be accompanied by a statement of the facts on which the participant bases its complaint.

Adopted September 18, 1969, amended April 1, 1978

S-3. The Managing Director shall immediately inform a participant of any complaint against it and the statement of the facts on which the complaint is based.

Adopted September 18, 1969

S-4. If the complaint is that the participant has failed to fulfill its obligations under Article XIX, Section 4, the participant shall not use SDRs and this limitation shall continue pending the disposition of the complaint.

Adopted September 18, 1969, amended April 1, 1978, and July 26, 1983

S-5. A participant against which a complaint has been made under Rule S-1 or Rule S-2, the Managing Director, or an Executive Director may request the Executive Board to dismiss the complaint. The Executive Board shall consider the request forthwith.

Adopted September 18, 1969, amended April 1, 1978

S-6. If the right of a participant to use SDRs has been limited under Rule S-4, and a request under Rule S-5 has been made by a participant, the complaint shall be deemed to have been dismissed at the end of ten business days after the request, or at the end of such longer period as the participant states in the request, unless within this time the Executive Board has taken a decision disposing of the complaint.

Adopted September 18, 1969, amended April 1, 1978, and July 26, 1983

S-7. If the right of a participant to use its SDRs has been suspended under Article XXIII, Section 2, the participant may request the Executive Board to terminate the suspension. If the Executive Board decides not to terminate the suspension, a written report shall be made to the participant stating the circumstances under which the suspension would be terminated.

Adopted September 18, 1969, amended April 1, 1978, and July 26, 1983

S-8. All procedures under Rules S-1 through S-7 shall be conducted as expeditiously as possible, and shall allow the participant an adequate opportunity to state its case both orally and in writing.

Adopted September 18, 1969, amended April 1, 1978

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