By-Laws of the International Monetary Fund

Section 14.  Terms of Service

(a) Governors and Alternates shall receive reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Board of Governors, except for travel expenses.

(b) Pending the necessary action by members to exempt from national taxation salaries and allowances paid out of the budget of the Fund, the Governors and the Executive Directors, and their Alternates, the Managing Director, and staff members and other employees of the Fund, except those whose employment contracts state otherwise, shall receive from the Fund a tax allowance that the Executive Board determines to be reasonably related to the taxes paid by them on such salaries and allowances.

In computing the amount of tax adjustment to be made with respect to any individual, it shall be presumed for the purposes of the computation that the income received from the Fund is his total income. All salary scales and expense allowances prescribed pursuant to this section are stated as net on the above basis.

(c) The salary of the Managing Director shall be determined by the Board of Governors and shall be included in his contract. The Fund shall also pay any reasonable expenses incurred by the Managing Director in the interest of the Fund (including travel and transportation expenses for himself, and expenses for his family, and his personal effects in moving once to the seat of the Fund during or immediately before his term of office and in moving once from the seat during or within a reasonable period after his term of office). The contract of the Managing Director shall be for a term of five years and may be renewed for the same term or for a shorter term at the discretion of the Executive Board, provided that no person shall be initially appointed to the post of Managing Director after he has reached his sixty-fifth birthday and that no Managing Director shall hold such post beyond his seventieth birthday.

(d) It shall be the duty of an Executive Director and his Alternate to devote all the time and attention to the business of the Fund that its interests require, and, between them, to be continuously available at the principal office of the Fund; however, in the event that both an Executive Director and his Alternate are unable to be available at the principal office of the Fund for reasons of health, absence while on business of the Fund, or similar reasons, the Executive Director may designate a temporary Alternate to act for him for periods of time which shall not in the aggregate exceed fifteen business days in the course of any year of his service. In special circumstances the Executive Director may designate a temporary Alternate to serve for an additional aggregate period not exceeding fifteen business days. When the positions of both the Executive Director and his Alternate become vacant, a temporary Alternate may continue to act until the effective date of the appointment or election of the successor Executive Director or the end of a six-month period, whichever is earlier. A temporary Alternate shall receive no salary or expense allowance for his services in this capacity.




Executive Directors and their Alternates shall be entitled to remuneration in the form of salary and supplemental allowances at such annual rates as shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Governors. Remuneration as determined shall continue until changed by the Board of Governors.



A standing Joint Committee on the Remuneration of Executive Directors and their Alternates, appointed by the Chairmen of the Boards of Governors of the Fund and Bank and consisting of one of the Chairmen and two former Governors or Alternate Governors of the Fund or Bank, chosen by the Chairmen in consultation with the Managing Director of the Fund and the President of the Bank, shall be constituted following each regular meeting of the Board of Governors. The Joint Committee shall consider all matters affecting the remuneration and other benefits of the Executive Directors of the Bank and Fund, and of their Alternates, and from time to time, but at least by July 1 of each year in which a regular election of Executive Directors is scheduled to be held, shall make such recommendations for any action by the Board of Governors on the said matters as the Joint Committee shall deem advisable. Reports of the Joint Committee shall be submitted to the Board of Governors for a vote on any recommendation contained therein without meeting in accordance with Section 13 of the By-Laws. In making proposals with respect to the remuneration of the Executive Directors and their Alternates, the Committee shall bear in mind their functions under the Articles of Agreement of the Fund in relation to those of the Managing Director.



(f) The Executive Directors and their Alternates are to be reimbursed, in addition, for all reasonable expenses for travel incurred on official Fund business, and for reasonable expenses incurred by them in connection with official Fund business to entertain senior officials of the governments or central banks or relevant persons in the academic, public, or private sectors of the members that appointed, elected or designated them, and relevant members of the media. They shall also be reimbursed for travel and transportation expenses for themselves, their families, and their personal effects in moving once to the seat of the Fund during or immediately before their periods of service, and in moving once from the seat during or within a reasonable period after their periods of service.

In addition, Executive Directors and Alternates shall, in the third year of continuous full-time service in either capacity and in every second year of such service thereafter, be entitled to reimbursement for the cost of transportation expenses for their families in travelling once to and from the country of which they or their spouses are nationals, provided that in cases where the spouse is a national of a country other than that of the Executive Director or the Alternate the reimbursement for transportation expenses to and from the country of the spouse does not exceed transportation expenses to and from the country of which the Executive Director or Alternate is a national. For home leave travel every second year, reimbursement shall be made on the basis of cabin- or economy-class accommodations.

(g) Where not specified, it is assumed that the Executive Director or Alternate will be a full-time Executive Director or Alternate. Where it is intended that he shall not devote his full time, it shall be so indicated. Where an Executive Director or Alternate indicates that he intends to devote only part of his time to the Fund, his remuneration shall be prorated on the basis of a representation by him of the proportion of his time he has devoted to the interests of the Fund. The representation shall be made at appropriate intervals.

(h) Where an individual is serving both Fund and Bank, the aggregate of salary received from both shall not exceed the full annual single salary as determined in accordance with (e) above.

In all cases of salaries or expenses involving dual offices in the Fund or Bank, or both, the individual affected is entitled to take his choice as to which salary or expense he elects, but he shall not be entitled to both.

(i) An individual putting forward a claim for reimbursement for any expenses incurred by him shall include therewith a representation that he has not received and will not claim reimbursement in respect to those expenses from any other source.

(j) Secretarial and staff services, office space, and other services incidental to the performance of the duties of the Executive Directors and Alternates shall be provided by the Fund.

Adopted March 16, 1946; paragraph (a) amended March 18, 1946, June 6, 1966, May 17, 1977, June 13, 1978, and September 23, 2008; paragraph (b) amended June 13, 1978 and December 31, 1979; paragraph (c) amended July 27, 1951, December 14, 1960, effective December 1, 1960, February 13, 1969, effective November 1, 1968, August 31, 1973, effective September 1, 1973, and June 13, 1978; paragraph (d) amended September 17, 1947, December 20, 1971, June 26, 1972, June 13, 1978, and September 20, 1993; paragraph (e) amended January 5, 1951, effective January 1, 1951, December 2, 1957, effective November 1, 1957, December 28, 1959, effective November 1, 1959, November 7, 1962, effective September 1, 1962, August 8, 1966, effective November 1, 1965, February 13, 1969, effective November 1, 1968, July 30, 1969, effective August 1, 1969, July 13, 1972, effective November 1, 1972, July 8, 1974, and June 13, 1978; paragraph (f) amended September 17, 1947, September 30, 1948, August 18, 1961, September 10, 1964, February 13, 1969, June 13, 1978, September 5, 1980, and May 10, 1999; paragraph (g) amended June 13, 1978; paragraph (h) amended June 13, 1978; paragraph (j) amended June 13, 1978

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