By-Laws of the International Monetary Fund

Section 6.   Agenda of Meetings of the Board of Governors

(a) Under the direction of the Executive Board, the Managing Director shall prepare an agenda for each meeting of the Board of Governors and shall cause the agenda to be transmitted to each member of the Fund with the notice of the meeting.

(b) Additional subjects may be placed on the agenda for any meeting of the Board of Governors by any Governor provided that he shall give notice thereof to the Managing Director not less than seven days prior to the date set for the meeting. In special circumstances the Managing Director, by direction of the Executive Board, may at any time place additional subjects on the agenda for any meeting of the Board of Governors. The Managing Director shall cause notice of the addition of any subjects to the agenda for any meeting of the Board of Governors to be given as promptly as possible to each member of the Fund.

(c) Any Governor or Governors may request the Board of Governors at any time to place a subject on the agenda for any meeting of the Board of Governors even though the notice required by this Section has not been given. The Board of Governors may at any time place any subject on the agenda for any meeting of the Board of Governors even though the notice required by this Section has not been given.

(d) Except as otherwise specifically directed by the Board of Governors, the Chairman of the Board of Governors jointly with the Managing Director shall have charge of all arrangements for the holding of meetings of the Board of Governors.

Adopted March 16, 1946, amended October 2, 1946, and June 13, 1978

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