Who We Are

Executive Directors & Management Team

A view of two modern office buildings with large glass windows under a bright blue sky, surrounded by green trees and a well-maintained grassy area.A view of two modern office buildings with large glass windows under a bright blue sky, surrounded by green trees and a well-maintained grassy area.

The IMF has a management team and 18 departments that carry out its country, policy, analytical, and technical work. An organization chart can be found on the IMF webpage Senior Officials of the International Monetary Fund.

A group portrait of the IMF Executive Board of DirectorsA group portrait of the IMF Executive Board of Directors

Executive Directors and Alternates

The Executive Board (the Board) is responsible for conducting the IMF’s day-to-day business. It is composed of 24 Executive Directors, who are elected by member countries or by groups of countries, and the Managing Director, who serves as its Chair.

All IMF member countries are represented on its Executive Board, which discusses the national, regional, and global consequences of each member’s economic policies and approves IMF financing to help member countries address temporary balance of payments problems, as well as overseeing the IMF’s capacity development efforts.

Click on a thumbnail below to view the executive directors alternates and constituency.

Management Team

The IMF has a Managing Director, who is head of the staff and Chair of the Executive Board. The Managing Director is assisted by a First Deputy Managing Director and three other Deputy Managing Directors.

Management Team

From left to right: First Deputy Managing Director: GITA GOPINATH, Deputy Managing Director: BO LI, Managing Director: KRISTALINA GEORGIEVA, Deputy Managing Director: KENJI OKAMURA, Deputy Managing Director: ANTOINETTE SAYEH.

Senior Officials

Senior officials as of April 30, 2024

Area Departments

Abebe Selassie

Director, African Department

Krishna Srinivasan

Director, Asia and Pacific Department

Alfred Kammer

Director, European Department

Jihad Azour

Director, Middle East and Central Asia Department

Rodrigo Valdes

Director, Western Hemisphere Department

Functional Departments

Julie Ann Kozack

Director, Communications Department

Bernard Lauwers

Director, Finance Department

Vitor Gaspar

Director, Fiscal Affairs Department

Dominique Desruelle

Director, Institute for Capacity Development

Rhoda Weeks-Brown

General Counsel and Director, Legal Department

Tobias Adrian

Financial Counsellor and Director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department

Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas

Economic Counsellor and Director, Research Department

Albert Kroese

Chief Statistician and Data Officer and Director, Statistics Department

Ceyla Pazarbasioglu

Director, Strategy, Policy, and Review Department

Information and Liaison Departments

Akihiko Yoshida

Director, Regional Office for Asia and Pacific

Robert Powell

Special Representative to the United Nations

Support Services Departments

Brian Christensen

Director, Corporate Services and Facilities Department

Catriona Purfield

Director, Human Resources Department

Shirin Hamid

Chief Information Officer and Director, Information Technology Department

Ceda Ogada

Secretary of the Fund, Secretary's Department


Michele Shannon

Director, Office of Budget and Planning

James John

Director, Offices in Europe

Pablo Moreno

Director, Independent Evaluation Office

Ashlene van der Colff

Director, Office of Internal Audit

Derek Bills

Director, Investment Office

Romy Bowers

Director, Office of Risk Management

Camilla Andersen

Head, Office of Transformation Management