
Abstract collage of a smiling person in a suit atop of an orange and white striped bar with a leaf behind them, alongside a small stack of currency and a hand holding a smartphone.


当前,我们面临着双重挑战。首先是维护宏观经济稳定,防止进一步的地缘政 治冲击、破坏性的财政调整以及为使通胀回到目标水平而开展的工作对经济稳定造 成不利影响。一些民众仍面临着接二连三的危机带来的遗留问题,他们需要持续的 援助;那些遭受最严重经济创伤的低收入国家也需要获得持续援助。其次是利用全 球经济呈现出的韧性,积极面对和迎接那些需要我们集体采取行动的转型性发展趋 势——气候变化、数字化和人工智能革命等,它们无论是好是坏,都可能重新塑造工 作性质。这些转型需要多边合作,以降低风险并最大限度地利用机遇。

IMF能够有效促进这种合作。它处于全球金融安全网的核心,为成员国齐心协 力抵御金融危机威胁提供了一个论坛。其目标是促进国际货币合作,推动贸易,实现全民繁荣。第十六次份额总检查的完成表明,IMF有能力本着全球合作和多边主 义的精神将成员国团结在一起。这种国际合作意识同样体现在40多个成员国的行动 中,这些国家在2023年及之前的捐款增强了减贫与增长信托为最贫困成员国调动优 惠贷款的能力,由此为该信托提供了支持。这一成果以及IMF的总体工作体现了我 们的相互联系,也体现了IMF与世界银行等伙伴机构一道同成员国开 合作以实现 共同的经济稳定和繁荣。

“为了应对 从气候变化到人工智能革命等 影响我们所有人的各种趋势, 我们比以往任何时候 都更需要全球合作。”





Abstract image featuring a blue smudge on the left and a yellowish gradient on the right with a faint texture overlay.
An abstract collage with red, yellow and gray rectangles alongside 2 columns of numbers with 2 decimal points ranging from 5 to 6 and one up arrow next to the year 2029.
A collage featuring a rescue worker wearing a helmet and safety gear, with a glowing light on the helmet, alongside a man in a red-toned image holding a bowl, both overlaid on a background of charts, clouds, and the words 'Resilience' and '2023' in various fonts and colors.


在经历了多年的连续 冲击之后,各经济体 如何能增强对未来动 荡的抵御能力?

An abstract image featuring a textured background with a large blue smudge on the left and an illustration of a building with palm trees on the right. Curved lines add dynamic movement across the design.
An abstract composition featuring the text '50%', 'QUOTA', a grey textured square, a blue square, and an upward arrow icon.
A collage featuring a young girl holding a doll, overlaid with a yellow geometric shape, and a hand holding green banknotes labeled 'REVIEW' on the right.


IMF如何确保满足 成 员 国 当 前 和 未 来的需求?

An abstract composition featuring a stack of colorful shipping containers on the left, with textured blue and orange shapes overlapping on the right.
A collage featuring a man holding a large sack with a determined expression, overlaid with red and blue geometric shapes, an upward arrow icon, and a glowing light effect on his shoulder.
An abstract image with a small cloud and blue raindrops on the left, the text 'PRGT' in the center, and a textured shape with blue dots on the right.

重新审视 贷款和债务

IMF正在如何调整 贷款和债务处理方 法、以尽量提高其 适当性和有效性?

An abstract collage featuring lines of code overlaid on textured clouds and a crescent moon with a small white circle representing a star or moon, set against a dark background.
A collage featuring a man in a blue shirt working on a laptop, with a robotic arm above him, the letters 'AI' behind, a wind turbine in the background, and digital binary code patterns scattered throughout, symbolizing technology and digitalization.
Abstract image with a wind turbine on the right, a small upward arrow symbol in the center, and geometric lines forming a network pattern on the left.

高度不确定性 和未知领域

哪 些 措 施 可 以 帮 助 我 们 为 即 将 到 来 的 变 革 性 力 量 好准备?