IMF Working Papers by Title

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Title: Wage-Price Dynamics and Structural Reforms in Japan
Author/Editor: Davide Porcellacchia
Series: Working Paper No. 16/20
Date: February 10, 2016
Subject(s): Fiscal reforms | Japan | Wages | Prices | Labor markets | Corporate governance | Labor market friction | Liquidity | Monetary policy | Fiscal policy | Econometric models
Title: Walking Hand in Hand : Fiscal Policy and Growth in Advanced Economies
Author/Editor: Laura Jaramillo ; Carlo Cottarelli
Series: Working Paper No. 12/137
Date: May 01, 2012
Subject(s): Developed countries | Economic growth | Fiscal consolidation
Author's Keyword(s): Government debt | budget deficit | growth | advanced economies | sovereign spreads
Title: Waste Not, Want Not : The Efficiency of Health Expenditure in Emerging and Developing Economies
Author/Editor: Francesco Grigoli ; Javier Kapsoli
Series: Working Paper No. 13/187
Date: August 28, 2013
Subject(s): Government expenditures | Health care | Emerging markets | Developing countries | Economic models
Title: Wealth Effects and the New Economy
Author/Editor: Sløk, Torsten ; Edison, Hali J.
Series: Working Paper No. 01/77
Date: May 01, 2001
Subject(s): Stock markets | Consumption | Economic models
Author's Keyword(s): Wealth effects | new economy | stock markets in the 1990s
Title: Weathering the Global Storm: The Benefits of Monetary Policy Reform in the LA5 Countries
Author/Editor: Canales Kriljenko, Jorge Iván ; Jácome, Luis Ignacio ; Alichi, Ali ; de Oliveira Lima, Ivan Luis
Series: Working Paper No. 10/292
Date: December 01, 2010
Subject(s): Brazil | Central bank autonomy | Central banks | Chile | Colombia | Cross country analysis | Financial crisis | Global Financial Crisis 2008-2009 | Inflation targeting | Latin America | Mexico | Monetary policy | Peru
Author's Keyword(s): Latin America | monetary policy | inflation targeting
Title: Welfare Effects of Monetary Integration : The Common Monetary Area and Beyond
Author/Editor: Tamon Asonuma ; Xavier Debrun ; Paul R. Masson
Series: Working Paper No. 12/136
Date: May 01, 2012
Subject(s): Economic indicators | Southern African Development Community | Welfare
Author's Keyword(s): Common Monetary Area | Monetary Union | SADC countries
Title: Western Hemisphere : A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts
Author/Editor: Lucía Pérez Fragoso ; Corina Rodríguez Enríquez
Series: Working Paper No. 16/153
Date: July 28, 2016
Subject(s): Fiscal policy | Mexico | Bolivia | Ecuador | El Salvador | Latin America | Western Hemisphere | Gender | Budgeting | Women's social conditions | Women's economic conditions | Cross country analysis
Title: What (Really) Accounts for the Fall in Hours After a Technology Shock?
Author/Editor: Nooman Rebei
Series: Working Paper No. 12/211
Date: August 01, 2012
Subject(s): Economic models | Labor markets
Author's Keyword(s): Sticky prices | Firm entry and exit | Habit in consumption | Labor market frictions | Permanent technology shocks | Leontief production | Bayesian estimation.
Title: What Are the Channels Through Which External Debt Affects Growth?
Author/Editor: Hélène Poirson ; Luca Antonio Ricci ; Catherine A. Pattillo
Series: Working Paper No. 04/15
Date: January 01, 2004
Subject(s): External debt
Author's Keyword(s): Growth | External Debt | Growth Accounting
Title: What Can Boost Female Labor Force Participation in Asia?
Author/Editor: Yuko Kinoshita ; Fang Guo
Series: Working Paper No. 15/56
Date: March 16, 2015
Subject(s): Labor force participation | Japan | Korea, Republic of | Norway | Sweden | Asia | Women | Employment | Cross country analysis | Structural vector autoregression | Econometric models
Title: What Can International Cricket Teach Us About the Role of Luck in Labor Markets?
Author/Editor: Aiyar, Shekhar ; Ramcharan, Rodney
Series: Working Paper No. 10/225
Date: October 01, 2010
Subject(s): Cross country analysis | Global competitiveness | Labor markets
Author's Keyword(s): Labor market outcomes | initial job placement | skill versus luck | sports economics | instrumental variables
Title: What Can Low-Income Countries Expect From Adopting Inflation Targeting?
Author/Editor: Alexandra Peter ; Sarwat Jahan ; Edward R. Gemayel
Series: Working Paper No. 11/276
Date: November 01, 2011
Subject(s): Developed countries | Emerging markets | Inflation targeting | Low-income developing countries | Monetary policy
Author's Keyword(s): Monetary Policy | Low-Income Countries
Title: What Caused the Global Financial Crisis - Evidence on the Drivers of Financial Imbalances 1999 - 2007
Author/Editor: Nier, Erlend ; Merrouche, Ouarda
Series: Working Paper No. 10/265
Date: December 01, 2010
Subject(s): Balance of trade | Bank credit | Bank regulations | Bank supervision | Capital flows | Capital inflows | Cross country analysis | Current account balances | Financial crisis | Financial sector | Global Financial Crisis 2008-2009 | Monetary policy
Author's Keyword(s): Global imbalances | monetary policy | supervision and regulation
Title: What Determines Government Spending Multipliers?
Author/Editor: Gernot Müller ; André Meier ; Giancarlo Corsetti
Series: Working Paper No. 12/150
Date: June 01, 2012
Subject(s): Budget deficits | Currency pegs | Government expenditures | Public debt
Author's Keyword(s): Multiplier | fiscal policy | financial crisis | government spending | public finances | exchange rate regime
Title: What Does Aid Do to Fiscal Policy? New Evidence
Author/Editor: Jean-Louis Combes ; Rasmané Ouedraogo ; Sampawende J Tapsoba
Series: Working Paper No. 16/112
Date: June 09, 2016
Subject(s): Foreign aid | Fiscal policy | Developing countries | Aid flows | Aid and growth | Econometric models | Time series
Title: What Drives Contagion: Trade Neighborhood, or Financial Links?
Author/Editor: Hernández, Leonardo ; Valdés, Rodrigo O.
Series: Working Paper No. 01/29
Date: March 01, 2001
Subject(s): Economic conditions | Bond markets | Stock markets | Capital flows | Financial crisis
Author's Keyword(s): Contagion | bond spreads | stock market | capital flows | crisis transmission
Title: What Drives Credit Growth in Emerging Asia?
Author/Editor: Fei Han ; Selim Elekdag
Series: Working Paper No. 12/43
Date: February 01, 2012
Subject(s): Credit expansion | Economic models | Emerging markets | Flexible exchange rates
Author's Keyword(s): Rapid credit growth | credit booms | emerging Asia | SVAR | Bayesian estimation | sign restrictions | shock identification
Title: What Drives House Prices in Australia? A Cross-Country Approach
Author/Editor: Tumbarello, Patrizia ; Wang, Shengzu
Series: Working Paper No. 10/291
Date: December 01, 2010
Subject(s): Australia | Capital inflows | Cross country analysis | Economic models | Housing prices | Terms of trade
Author's Keyword(s): House prices | cointegration | VECM | event analysis | capital inflows | terms of trade
Title: What Drives Inflation Expectations in Brazil? An Empirical Analysis
Author/Editor: Cerisola, Martin ; Gelos, Gaston
Series: Working Paper No. 05/109
Date: June 01, 2005
Subject(s): Inflation | Brazil | Inflation targeting | Economic models
Author's Keyword(s): Inflation | inflation expectations | inflation targeting | Brazil
Title: What Drives Interest Rate Spreads in Pacific Island Countries? An Empirical Investigation
Author/Editor: Fazurin Jamaludin ; Vladimir Klyuev ; Anuk Serechetapongse
Series: Working Paper No. 15/96
Date: May 04, 2015
Subject(s): Cross-country analysis | Banking systems | Fiji | Foreign banks | Marshall Islands | Micronesia, Federated States of | Interest rates | Kiribati | Profit margins | Samoa | Papua New Guinea | Palau | Pacific Island Countries | Solomon Islands | Timor-Leste | Tonga | Vanuatu