IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: A Vicious Cycle: How Pandemics Lead to Economic Despair and Social Unrest
Author/Editor: Tahsin Saadi Sedik,Rui Xu
Series: Working Paper No. 20/216
Date: October 16, 2020
Title: Financial Conditions and Growth at Risk in the ECCU
Author/Editor: Takuji Komatsuzaki,Steve Brito
Series: Working Paper No. 19/247
Date: November 15, 2019
Title: Stranded! How Rising Inequality Suppressed US Migration and Hurt Those Left Behind
Author/Editor: Tamim Bayoumi,Jelle Barkema
Series: Working Paper No. 19/122
Date: June 03, 2019
Title: The Inflexible Structure of Global Supply Chains
Author/Editor: Tamim Bayoumi,Jelle Barkema,Diego A. Cerdeiro
Series: Working Paper No. 19/193
Date: September 13, 2019
Title: Incomplete Financial Markets and the Booming Housing Sector in China
Author/Editor: Tamim Bayoumi,Yunhui Zhao
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/265
Date: December 04, 2020
Title: Costs of Sovereign Defaults: Restructuring Strategies, Bank Distress and the Capital Inflow-Credit Channel
Author/Editor: Tamon Asonuma,Marcos d Chamon,Aitor Erce,Akira Sasahara
Series: Working Paper No. 19/69
Date: March 25, 2019
Title: Cash Use Across Countries and the Demand for Central Bank Digital Currency
Author/Editor: Tanai Khiaonarong,David Humphrey
Series: Working Paper No. 19/46
Date: March 01, 2019
Title: Fintech and Payments Regulation: Analytical Framework
Author/Editor: Tanai Khiaonarong,Terry Goh
Series: Working Paper No. 20/75
Date: May 29, 2020
Title: Network Determinants of Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition Decisions
Author/Editor: Tatiana Didier,Sebastian Herrador,Magali Pinat
Series: Working Paper No. 19/264
Date: December 04, 2019
Title: Bank Profitability and Financial Stability
Author/Editor: TengTeng Xu,Kun Hu,Udaibir S Das
Series: Working Paper No. 19/5
Date: January 11, 2019
Title: Corporate Vulnerabilities in Vietnam and Implications of COVID-19
Author/Editor: Thilo Kroger,Anh Thi Ngoc Nguyen,Yuanyan Sophia Zhang,Pham Dinh Thuy,Nguyen Huy Minh,Duong Danh Tuan
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/260
Date: November 20, 2020
Title: The Monetary Policy Credibility Channel and the Amplification Effects in a Semi-structural Model
Author/Editor: Thitipat Chansriniyom,Natan P. Epstein,Valeriu Nalban
Series: Working Paper No.20/201
Date: September 25, 2020
Title: Pricing Sovereign Debt in Resource-Rich Economies
Author/Editor: Thomas McGregor
Series: Working Paper No. 19/240
Date: November 08, 2019
Title: Disposal is Not Free: Fiscal Instruments to Internalize the Environmental Costs of Solid Waste
Author/Editor: Thornton Matheson
Series: Working Paper No. 19/283
Date: December 20, 2019
Title: E-commerce as a Potential New Engine for Growth in Asia
Author/Editor: Tidiane Kinda
Series: Working Paper No. 19/135
Date: July 01, 2019
Title: How Effective is Macroprudential Policy? Evidence from Lending Restriction Measures in EU Countries
Author/Editor: Tigran Poghosyan
Series: Working Paper No. 19/45
Date: March 01, 2019
Title: Remittances in Russia and Caucasus and Central Asia: the Gravity Model
Author/Editor: Tigran Poghosyan
Series: Working Paper No. 20/128
Date: July 17, 2020
Title: Exchange Rate Pass-Through in the Caucasus and Central Asia
Author/Editor: Tigran Poghosyan
Series: Working Paper No. 20/154
Date: August 07, 2020
Title: Unveiling the Effects of Foreign Exchange Interventions: Evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic
Author/Editor: Tigran Poghosyan
Series: Working Paper No. 20/219
Date: October 30, 2020
Title: A Quantitative Model for the Integrated Policy Framework
Author/Editor: Tobias Adrian,Christopher J. Erceg,Jesper Lindé,Pawel Zabczyk,Jianping Zhou
Series: Working Paper No. 20/122
Date: July 07, 2020