IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Appraising Credit Ratings : Does the CAP Fit Better than the ROC?
Author/Editor: R. John Irwin ; Timothy Irwin
Series: Working Paper No. 12/122
Date: May 01, 2012
Subject(s): Credit risk | Economic models | OECD
Author's Keyword(s): Credit ratings | Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) | Cumulative Accuracy Profile (CAP).
Title: Determinants of Property Prices in Hong Kong SAR : Implications for Policy
Author/Editor: R. Sean Craig ; Changchun Hua
Series: Working Paper No. 11/277
Date: November 01, 2011
Subject(s): Economic models | Housing prices | Price increases
Author's Keyword(s): Property price | Co-Integration | Land Supply | Stamp Duty | Loan-to-Value Ratio
Title: Development of the Renminbi Market in Hong Kong SAR: Assessing Onshore-Offshore Market Integration
Author/Editor: R. Sean Craig ; Changchun Hua ; Philip Ng ; Raymond Yuen
Series: Working Paper No. 13/268
Date: December 24, 2013
Subject(s): Foreign exchange transactions | Capital account liberalization | Capital account | Capital controls | Economic integration | Exchange rates | Capital flows | Foreign direct investment | China, People's Republic of | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China
Title: Development of the Renminbi Market in Hong Kong SAR: Assessing Onshore-Offshore Market Integration
Author/Editor: R. Sean Craig ; Changchun Hua ; Philip Ng ; Raymond Yuen
Series: Working Paper No. 13/268
Date: June 17, 2014
Subject(s): Foreign exchange transactions | Capital account liberalization | Capital account | Capital controls | Economic integration | Exchange rates | Capital flows | Foreign direct investment | China, People's Republic of | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China
Title: The Relative Volatility of Commodity Prices : A Reappraisal
Author/Editor: Rabah Arezki ; Daniel Lederman ; Hongyan Zhao
Series: Working Paper No. 11/279
Date: December 01, 2011
Subject(s): Capital goods | Manufacturing
Author's Keyword(s): International Commodity Prices | Volatility | Manufactured Product Prices.
Title: Education Attainment in Public Administration Around the World : Evidence from a New Dataset
Author/Editor: Rabah Arezki ; Herbert Lui ; Marc Quintyn ; Frederik G Toscani
Series: Working Paper No. 12/231
Date: September 21, 2012
Subject(s): Education | Civil service | Public sector | Central banks | Senior staff | Cross country analysis
Title: Testing the Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis since 1650 : Evidence from Panel Techniques that Allow for Multiple Breaks
Author/Editor: Rabah Arezki ; Kaddour Hadri ; Prakash Loungani ; Yao Rao
Series: Working Paper No. 13/180
Date: August 15, 2013
Subject(s): Commodity prices | Commodity price fluctuations | Economic models
Title: Structural Reforms, IMF Programs and Capacity Building : An Empirical Investigation
Author/Editor: Rabah Arezki ; Marc Quintyn ; Frederik G Toscani
Series: Working Paper No. 12/232
Date: September 21, 2012
Subject(s): Fiscal reforms | Fund facilities | External training programs | Fund role | Economic models
Title: Food Prices and Political Instability
Author/Editor: Rabah Arezki ; Markus Bruckner
Series: Working Paper No. 11/62
Date: March 01, 2011
Subject(s): Agricultural prices | Economic models | Food production | Low-income developing countries
Author's Keyword(s): Food Prices | Conflict | Political Institutions
Title: Rainfall, Financial Development, and Remittances : Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Rabah Arezki ; Markus Bruckner
Series: Working Paper No. 11/153
Date: July 01, 2011
Author's Keyword(s): Transitory Income Shocks | Remittances | Financial Development
Title: News Shocks in Open Economies : Evidence from Giant Oil Discoveries
Author/Editor: Rabah Arezki ; Valerie A Ramey ; Liugang Sheng
Series: Working Paper No. 15/209
Date: September 29, 2015
Subject(s): Oil sector | External shocks | Oil production | Current account | Open economies | Oil
Title: Investment - Specific Technology Shocks and International Business Cycles: An Empirical Assessment
Author/Editor: Rabanal, Pau ; Mandelman, Federico ; Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F. ; Vilan, Diego
Series: Working Paper No. 10/207
Date: September 01, 2010
Subject(s): Business cycles | Consumption | Cross country analysis | Demand | Economic models | External shocks | International trade | Investment | Productivity | United States
Author's Keyword(s): International Business Cycles | Cointegration | Investment-Specific Technology Shocks
Title: Trends in Fiscal Transparency : Evidence from a New Database of the Coverage of Fiscal Reporting
Author/Editor: Rachel F Wang ; Timothy Irwin ; Lewis K Murara
Series: Working Paper No. 15/188
Date: August 05, 2015
Subject(s): Public finance | Fiscal reporting | Fiscal transparency | Fiscal transparency | Government finance statistics | Cross country analysis | Budgets | Accounts
Title: On the First-Round Effects of International Food Price Shocks: the Role of the Asset Market Structure
Author/Editor: Rafael Portillo ; Luis-Felipe Zanna
Series: Working Paper No. 15/33
Date: February 23, 2015
Subject(s): Food prices | Commodity price shocks | Inflation | Monetary policy | Developing countries | Econometric models
Title: A Model for Monetary Policy Analysis in Uruguay
Author/Editor: Rafael Portillo ; Yulia Ustyugova
Series: Working Paper No. 15/170
Date: July 23, 2015
Subject(s): Central banks and their policies | Uruguay | Monetary policy | Inflation targeting | Demand for money | Econometric models | Forecasting
Title: A Puzzle of Microstructure Market Maker Models
Author/Editor: Rafael Romeu
Series: Working Paper No. 04/6
Date: January 01, 2004
Subject(s): Exchange markets | Foreign exchange | International financial markets
Author's Keyword(s): Foreign Exchange | Microstructure | Inventory | Information | Market Makers
Title: Did Export Diversification Soften the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis?
Author/Editor: Rafael Romeu ; Nelson Camanho da Costa Neto
Series: Working Paper No. 11/99
Date: May 01, 2011
Subject(s): Commodity prices | Industrial production | Latin America | Manufacturing | Trade | Trade models
Author's Keyword(s): Trade | global financial crisis | HS classification | exports | empirical
Title: Does Public Sector Inefficiency Constrain Firm Productivity : Evidence from Italian Provinces
Author/Editor: Raffaela Giordano ; Sergi Lanau ; Pietro Tommasino ; Petia Topalova
Series: Working Paper No. 15/168
Date: July 21, 2015
Subject(s): Italy
Title: Absorption Boom and Fiscal Stance: What Lies Ahead in Eastern Europe?
Author/Editor: Rahman, Jesmin
Series: Working Paper No. 10/97
Date: April 01, 2010
Subject(s): Business cycles | Capital inflows | Croatia | Demand | Eastern Europe | Economic growth | European Economic and Monetary Union | Fiscal policy | Government expenditures | Revenues
Author's Keyword(s): Fiscal space | Pro-cyclicality | fiscal policy | cyclically-adjusted fiscal balance
Title: The Fiscal and Welfare Impacts of Reforming Fuel Subsidies in India
Author/Editor: Rahul Anand ; David Coady ; Adil Mohommad ; Vimal V Thakoor ; James P Walsh
Series: Working Paper No. 13/128
Date: May 29, 2013
Subject(s): Fiscal reforms | India | Energy sector | Oil | Subsidies | Welfare