IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Policy Instruments to Lean Against the Wind in Latin America
Author/Editor: G. Terrier ; Rodrigo O. Valdés ; Camilo Ernesto Tovar Mora ; Jorge A. Chan-Lau ; Carlos Fernandez Valdovinos ; Mercedes Garcia-Escribano ; Carlos I. Medeiros ; Man-Keung Tang ; Mercedes Vera-Martín ; W. Christopher Walker
Series: Working Paper No. 11/159
Date: July 01, 2011
Subject(s): Reserve requirements | Banking sector | Capital controls | Capital flows | Latin America | Risk management
Author's Keyword(s): Capital Requirements | Dynamic Provisions | Leverage Ratios | Liquidity Requirements | Debt-to-Income Ratios | Loan-to-Value Ratios | Reserve Requirements | Foreign Exchange Credit Risk | Foreign Exchange Positions | Taxes on Capital Inflows
Title: Optimal Maturity Structure of Sovereign Debt in Situation of Near Default
Author/Editor: Gabriel Desgranges ; Céline Rochon
Series: Working Paper No. 14/168
Date: September 12, 2014
Subject(s): Sovereign debt | Debt burden | Default | Financial institutions | Econometric models
Title: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisison Microfinance and Policy Implications
Author/Editor: Gabriel Di Bella
Series: Working Paper No. 11/175
Date: July 01, 2011
Subject(s): Credit risk | Economic conditions | Interest rates on loans
Author's Keyword(s): global financial crisis | systemic risk | microfinance | lending rate fundamentals
Title: Energy Subsidies in Latin America and the Caribbean: Stocktaking and Policy Challenges
Author/Editor: Gabriel Di Bella ; Lawrence Norton ; Joseph Ntamatungiro ; Sumiko Ogawa ; Issouf Samaké ; Marika Santoro
Series: Working Paper No. 15/30
Date: February 12, 2015
Subject(s): Energy sector | Latin America | Caribbean | Fiscal policy | Energy | Subsidies | Public enterprises | Private investments
Title: Assessing Fiscal Stress
Author/Editor: Gabriela Dobrescu ; Iva Petrova ; Nazim Belhocine ; Emanuele Baldacci
Series: Working Paper No. 11/100
Date: May 01, 2011
Subject(s): Developed countries | Developing countries | Economic models | Fiscal sustainability | Sovereign debt
Author's Keyword(s): fiscal stress | fiscal vulnerability | public debt crises | sovereign default
Title: Inflation Targeting Under Potential Output Uncertainty
Author/Editor: Gaiduch, Victor ; Hunt, Ben
Series: Working Paper No. 00/158
Date: October 01, 2000
Subject(s): Inflation targeting | Monetary policy | Production
Title: Cashing in for Growth: Corporate Cash Holdings as an Opportunity for Investment in Japan
Author/Editor: Galen Sher
Series: Working Paper No. 14/221
Date: December 15, 2014
Subject(s): Cash planning and management | Japan | Corporate investment | Economic growth
Title: On the Distributive Effects of Terms of Trade Shocks: The Role of Non-tradable Goods
Author/Editor: Galiani, Sebastian ; Heymann, Daniel ; Magud, Nicolas E
Series: Working Paper No. 10/241
Date: October 01, 2010
Subject(s): Export taxes | Exports | External shocks | Labor productivity | Terms of trade | Trade models
Author's Keyword(s): Non-tradable goods | terms of trade shocks | distributive conflict and export taxes.
Title: Deposit Insurance - A Survey of Actual and Best Practices
Author/Editor: Garcia, G. G.
Series: Working Paper No. 99/54
Date: April 01, 1999
Subject(s): Deposit insurance | Banking
Title: Deposit Insurance and Crisis Management
Author/Editor: Garcia, G. G.
Series: Working Paper No. 00/57
Date: March 01, 2000
Subject(s): Deposit insurance | Crisis prevention
Title: Monetary Impact of a Banking Crisis and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Author/Editor: García-Herrero, Alicia
Series: Working Paper No. 97/124
Date: September 01, 1997
Subject(s): Monetary policy | Banking | Monetary policy instruments | Argentina | Paraguay | Venezuela, Republica Bolivariana de | Estonia | Latvia | Lithuania | Philippines
Title: Banking Crises in Latin America in the 1990s - Lessons from Argentina, Paraguay, and Venezuela
Author/Editor: García-Herrero, Alicia
Series: Working Paper No. 97/140
Date: October 01, 1997
Subject(s): Banking | Argentina | Paraguay | Venezuela, Republica Bolivariana de | Banking systems
Title: The Domestic and Foreign Price Gaps in the P-Star Model - Evidence from Spain
Author/Editor: García-Herrero, Alicia ; Pradhan, Manoj Vasant
Series: Working Paper No. 98/64
Date: October 01, 1999
Subject(s): Prices | Spain | Inflation | Economic models
Title: World Commodity Prices as a Forecasting Tool for Retail Prices - Evidence from the United Kingdom
Author/Editor: García-Herrero, Alicia ; Thornton, John
Series: Working Paper No. 97/70
Date: June 01, 1997
Subject(s): Commodity prices | United Kingdom | Monetary policy | Economic models
Title: The Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy on Job Creation and Destruction
Author/Editor: Garibaldi, Pietro
Series: Working Paper No. 97/57
Date: April 01, 1997
Subject(s): Monetary policy | Economic models
Title: Search Unemployment with Advance Notice
Author/Editor: Garibaldi, Pietro
Series: Working Paper No. 98/119
Date: August 01, 1998
Subject(s): Unemployment | Labor markets | Economic models
Title: Labor Market Institutions and Unemployment Dynamics in Transition Economies
Author/Editor: Garibaldi, Pietro ; Brixiova, Zuzana
Series: Working Paper No. 97/137
Date: October 01, 1997
Subject(s): Labor markets | Transition economies | Unemployment | Economic models
Title: Deconstructing Job Creation
Author/Editor: Garibaldi, Pietro ; Mauro, Paolo
Series: Working Paper No. 99/109
Date: August 01, 1999
Subject(s): Unemployment | Europe
Title: On the Estimation of Term Structure Models and An Application to the United States
Author/Editor: Gasha, Jose Giancarlo ; He, Ying ; Medeiros, Carlos I. ; Rodriguez , Marco ; Salvati, Jean ; Yi, Jiangbo
Series: Working Paper No. 10/258
Date: November 01, 2010
Subject(s): Bonds | Economic models | Interest rate structures | Interest rates | United States
Author's Keyword(s): Term structure models of interest rates | interest rates | yields on bonds | United States
Title: International Mutual Funds, Capital Flow Volatility, and Contagion-A Survey
Author/Editor: Gaston Gelos
Series: Working Paper No. 11/92
Date: April 01, 2011
Subject(s): Asset management | Capital flows | Emerging markets | Financial instruments | Financial risk
Author's Keyword(s): Capital flows | contagion | mutual funds | institutional investors | emerging markets