IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Islamic Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Status and Prospects
Author/Editor: E. Gelbard ; Mumtaz Hussain ; Rodolfo Maino ; Yibin Mu ; Etienne B. Yehoue
Series: Working Paper No. 14/149
Date: August 11, 2014
Subject(s): Islamic banking | Sub-Saharan Africa | Financial sector | Financial institutions | Insurance | Microfinance | Bonds
Title: Sub-National Credit Risk and Sovereign Bailouts: Who Pays the Premium?
Author/Editor: E. Jenkner ; Zhongjin Lu
Series: Working Paper No. 14/20
Date: January 30, 2014
Subject(s): Credit risk | Borrowing | Risk premium | Spain | Fiscal policy
Title: Italian Sovereign Spreads : Their Determinants and Pass-through to Bank Funding Costs and Lending Conditions
Author/Editor: Edda Zoli
Series: Working Paper No. 13/84
Date: April 03, 2013
Subject(s): Banking sector | Italy | Sovereign debt | Loans | Financial instruments
Title: France : Lessons From Past Fiscal Consolidation Plans
Author/Editor: Edouard Martin ; Irina Yakadina ; Irina Tytell
Series: Working Paper No. 11/89
Date: April 01, 2011
Subject(s): Budget deficits | Fiscal analysis | Fiscal consolidation | Government expenditures | Public debt | Revenues | Subsidies | Taxation
Author's Keyword(s): France | fiscal consolidation
Title: Asian Financial Integration : Trends and Interruptions
Author/Editor: Eduardo Borensztein ; Prakash Loungani
Series: Working Paper No. 11/4
Date: January 01, 2011
Subject(s): Asia | Bond markets | Global Financial Crisis 2008-2009
Author's Keyword(s): financial integration | Asia | equity premium | bond markets | gravity model | home bias | risk-sharing | herding
Title: Statistical Inference as a Bargaining Game
Author/Editor: Eduardo Ley
Series: Working Paper No. 02/81
Date: May 20, 2002
Subject(s): Social policy
Author's Keyword(s): Social Welfare Function | Social Information Function | Contract Curve | Nash bargaining solution | Bayesian Inference |
Title: Money Demand in Guyana
Author/Editor: Egoumé-Bossogo, Philippe
Series: Working Paper No. 00/119
Date: June 01, 2000
Subject(s): Demand for money | Guyana | Monetary policy | Economic models
Title: The Exchange Rate Pass -Through to Import and Export Prices : The Role of Nominal Rigidities and Currency Choice
Author/Editor: Ehsan U. Choudhri ; Dalia Hakura
Series: Working Paper No. 12/226
Date: September 01, 2012
Subject(s): Economic models | Exchange rates | Producer prices
Author's Keyword(s): Exchange rate pass-through | import and export prices | nominal rigidities | currency choice
Title: The Currency Composition of Foreign Exchange Reserves - Retrospect and Prospect
Author/Editor: Eichengreen, Barry J. ; Mathieson, Donald J.
Series: Working Paper No. 00/131
Date: July 01, 2000
Subject(s): Foreign exchange reserves | Currencies
Title: The International Monetary System in the (Very) Long Run
Author/Editor: Eichengreen, Barry J. ; Sussman, Nathan
Series: Working Paper No. 00/43
Date: March 01, 2000
Subject(s): International monetary system | Globalization | Money
Title: Commodity Prices and Exchange Rate Volatility : Lessons from South Africa’s Capital Account Liberalization
Author/Editor: Elena Dumitrescu ; Rabah Arezki ; Andreas Freytag ; Marc Quintyn
Series: Working Paper No. 12/168
Date: June 01, 2012
Subject(s): Capital account liberalization | Commodities | Commodity price fluctuations | Exchange rates | Gold prices
Author's Keyword(s): Exchange rate | volatility | commodities | financial flows.
Title: Estimates of the Output Gap in Armenia with Applications to Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Author/Editor: ElGanainy, Asmaa A ; Weber, Anke
Series: Working Paper No. 10/197
Date: August 01, 2010
Subject(s): Armenia | Business cycles | Economic growth | Economic models | Fiscal policy | Inflation | Monetary policy | Production | Time series
Author's Keyword(s): Armenia | potential output | Bayesian Analysis | New Keynesian Phillips Curve | Cyclically-Adjusted Balance | Fiscal Stance | Fiscal Impulse | Automatic Stabilizers
Title: Economic Policies and FDI Inflows to Emerging Market Economies
Author/Editor: Elif Arbatli
Series: Working Paper No. 11/192
Date: August 01, 2011
Subject(s): Capital inflows | Economic models | Foreign direct investment | Group of seven
Author's Keyword(s): FDI | Emerging Market Economies | Economic Policies
Title: A toolkit for Assessing Fiscal Vulnerabilities and Risks in Advanced Economies
Author/Editor: Elif Arbatli ; C. Emre Alper ; Jiri Jonas ; Anke Weber ; Marc Gerard ; Tidiane Kinda ; Giovanni Callegari ; Anna Shabunina ; Andrea Schaechter ; Carlos Caceres
Series: Working Paper No. 12/11
Date: January 01, 2012
Subject(s): Developed countries | Public debt | Risk premium | Spillovers
Author's Keyword(s): Fiscal vulnerabilities | fiscal risk | fiscal indicators | sustainability
Title: Estimating a Small Open-Economy Model for Egypt : Spillovers, Inflation Dynamics, and Implications for Monetary Policy
Author/Editor: Elif Arbatli ; Kenji Moriyama
Series: Working Paper No. 11/108
Date: May 01, 2011
Subject(s): Economic models | Spillovers
Title: Supervisory Roles in Loan Loss Provisioning in Countries Implementing IFRS
Author/Editor: Ellen Gaston ; In Song
Series: Working Paper No. 14/170
Date: September 15, 2014
Subject(s): Loans | Bank supervision | Banks | Basel Core Principles | Accounting | Accounting standards
Title: Designing Legal Frameworks for Public Debt Management
Author/Editor: Elsie Addo Awadzi
Series: Working Paper No. 15/147
Date: July 02, 2015
Subject(s): Financial management legal framework | Debt management | Public debt management | Sovereign debt | Fiscal policy | Fiscal transparency
Title: Resolution Frameworks for Islamic Banks
Author/Editor: Elsie Addo Awadzi ; Carine Chartouni ; Mario Tamez
Series: Working Paper No. 15/247
Date: November 24, 2015
Subject(s): Islamic banking | Banks | Bank resolution | Islamic finance | Islamic banking supervision | Banking systems
Title: A Fiscal Job? An Analysis of Fiscal Policy and the Labor Market
Author/Editor: Elva Bova ; Christina Kolerus ; Sampawende J.-A. Tapsoba
Series: Working Paper No. 14/216
Date: December 12, 2014
Subject(s): Fiscal policy | Tax rates | Labor markets | Employment | OECD
Title: Fiscal Rules and the Procyclicality of Fiscal Policy in the Developing World
Author/Editor: Elva Bova ; Nathalie Carcenac ; Martine Guerguil
Series: Working Paper No. 14/122
Date: July 10, 2014
Subject(s): Fiscal rules | Fiscal policy | Developing countries | Emerging markets | Business cycles