The Challenge of Public Pension Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies

Author/Editor: Benedict J. Clements ; David Coady ; Frank Eich ; Sanjeev Gupta ; Alvar Kangur ; Baoping Shang ; Mauricio Soto
Publication Date: January 08, 2016
Summary: Pension reform is high on the policy agenda of many advanced and emerging market economies. In advanced economies the challenge is generally to contain future increases in public pension spending as the population ages. In emerging market economies, the challenges are often different. Where pension coverage is extensive, the issues are similar to those in advanced economies. Where pension coverage is low, the key challenge will be to expand coverage in a fiscally sustainable manner. This volume examines the outlook for public pension spending over the coming decades and the options for reform in 52 advanced and emerging market economies.
Series: Occasional Paper No. 275
Subject(s): Pension reforms | Developed countries | Emerging markets | Pensions | Government expenditures | Cross country analysis

Publication Date: January 08, 2016
ISBN/ISSN: 9787504979971 Format: Paper
Stock No: S275CA Pages: 120
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