Should Equity be a Goal of Economic Policy?

Author/Editor: Gupta, Sanjeev ; Clements, Benedict J. ; Gillingham, Robert ; Schiller, Christian ; Verhoeven, Marijn ; Alonso-Terme, Rosa Maria ; Mourmouras, Alex
Publication Date: January 22, 1999
Electronic Access: Free Full text

Summary: Over the past decade, global output has grown by more than 3 percent a year and inflation has slowed in most regions. The fruits of this growth have not been shared equally, however, and income disparities have grown in many countries, developed as well as developing. One of the most pressing issues facing policymakers today is how to respond to these trends. To what extent are growth and equity complementary, and to what extent is there a trade-off between the two? This Economic Issue is a summary version of an Issues Paper circulated at the IMF Conference on Economic Policy and Equity, held june 8-9, 1998, at IMF headquarters.
Series: Economic Issues No. 16
Subject(s): Social policy

Publication Date: January 22, 1999
ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-55775-790-6 / 1020-5098 Format: Paper
Stock No: EIIEA0161996 Pages: 15
Price Delivery Note: Country Report No. 01/06
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