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Wage adjustments
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Title: Price and Wage Flexibility in Hong Kong SAR
Author/Editor:Si Guo
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 17/9
Title: Collective Bargaining Through the Magnifying Glass : A Comparison Between the Netherlands and Portugal
Author/Editor:Alexander Hijzen,Pedro S. Martins,Jante Parlevliet
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 17/275
Title: Structural Transformation and the Agricultural Wage Gap
Author/Editor:Jorge Alvarez
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 17/289
Title: Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report
lblSeries:Country Report No. 2024/175
Title: Bosnia and Herzegovina: Selected Issues
lblSeries:Country Report No. 2024/176
Title: Adjustment under a Currency Peg: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania during the Global Financial Crisis 2008-09
Author/Editor:Purfield, Catriona ; Rosenberg, Christoph B.
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/213
Subject: Baltics ; Currency pegs ; Debt restructuring ; Estonia ; Financial crisis ; Fiscal policy ; Global competitiveness ; Global Financial Crisis 2008-2009 ; Labor market policy ; Latvia ; Lithuania ; Private sector ; Stabilization measures ; Wage adjustments
Title: Alternative Models of Wage Dispersion
Author/Editor:Gaumont, Damien ; Schindler, Martin ; Wright, Randall
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 05/64
Subject: Prices ; Wages ; Wage adjustments ; Labor markets ; Economic models
Title: Progress Towards External Adjustment in the Euro Area Periphery and the Baltics
Author/Editor:Joong Shik Kang ; Jay C. Shambaugh
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 14/131
Subject: Current account deficits ; Euro Area ; Baltics ; Price adjustments ; Unit labor cost ; Wage adjustments ; Unemployment
Title: Rebalancing : Evidence from Current Account Adjustment in Europe
Author/Editor:Ruben Atoyan ; Jonathan F Manning ; Jesmin Rahman
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 13/74
Subject: Current account balances ; Europe ; Emerging markets ; Current account deficits ; Fiscal policy ; Wage adjustments
Title: Unemployment and Productivity in the Long Run: the Role of Macroeconomic Volatility
Author/Editor:Benigno, Pierpaolo ; Ricci, Luca Antonio ; Surico, Paolo
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/259
Subject: Business cycles ; Economic models ; Labor markets ; Productivity ; Time series ; Unemployment ; United States ; Wage adjustments ; Wages
Title: Wage Flexibility in Turbulent Times: A Practitioner's Guide
Author/Editor:Yamaguchi, Shintaro
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 05/134
Subject: Wages ; Poland ; Europe ; Labor markets ; Wage adjustments
Title: Wage Moderation in Crises : Policy Considerations and Applications to the Euro Area
Author/Editor:Jörg Decressin ; Raphael A. Espinoza ; Ioannis Halikias ; Michael Kumhof ; Daniel Leigh ; Prakash Loungani ; Paulo A. Medas ; Susanna Mursula ; Antonio Spilimbergo ; TengTeng Xu
lblSeries:Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/22
Subject: Wage bargaining ; Euro Area ; Wage adjustments ; Negative spillovers ; Monetary policy
Title: Wage Moderation in France
Author/Editor:Estevão, Marcello M. ; Nargis, Nigar
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 02/151
Subject: Employment ; France ; Wages ; Wage adjustments ; Labor markets ; Wage moderation

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