IMF Publications by Subject

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Title: Public Wage Bills in the Middle East and Central Asia
Author/Editor:Natalia T. Tamirisa,Christoph Duenwald
lblSeries:Departmental Paper No. 18/01
Title: Fiscal Implications of Government Wage Bill Spending
Author/Editor:Kamil Dybczak,Mercedes Garcia-Escribano
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/10
Title: The Fiscal Multiplier of European Structural Investment Funds: Aggregate and Sectoral Effects with an Application to Slovenia
Author/Editor:Luigi Durand,Raphael A Espinoza
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 2021/118
Title: Recent Trends of Informality in Greece: Evidence from Subnational Data
Author/Editor:Larry Q Cui,Jiaxiong Yao
lblSeries:Selected Issues Paper No. 2024/009
Title: Republic of Mozambique: Selected Issues
lblSeries:Country Report No. 2024/220

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