IMF Publications by Subject

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Financial infrastructure
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Title: The Financial Inclusion Landscape in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Dozen Key Findings
Author/Editor:Sarwat Jahan,Jayendu De,Fazurin Jamaludin,Piyaporn Sodsriwiboon,Cormac Sullivan
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/79
Title: A Capital Market Union For Europe
Author/Editor:Srobona Mitra,Anke Weber,Ashok Vir Bhatia,Shekhar Aiyar,Luiza Antoun de Almeida,Cristina Cuervo,Andre O Santos,Tryggvi Gudmundsson
lblSeries:Staff Discussion Notes No. 19/07
Title: Financial Infrastructure, Group Interests, and Capital Accumulation : Theory, Evidence, and Policy
Author/Editor:Biaggio Bossone ; Sandeep Mahajan ; Farah Zahir
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 03/24
Subject: Banks ; Financial infrastructure

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