IMF Publications by Subject

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Discount rates
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Title: Bank Lending Rates and Financial Structure in Italy: A Case Study
Author/Editor:Cottarelli, Carlo ; Ferri, Giovanni ; Generale, Andrea
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 95/38
Subject: Interest rates on loans ; Italy ; Discount rates ; Bank reforms
Title: Monetary Transmission Mechanism in the East African Community : An Empirical Investigation
Author/Editor:Hamid Reza Davoodi ; S. V. S. Dixit ; Gabor Pinter
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 13/39
Subject: Monetary transmission mechanism ; East Africa ; Monetary policy ; Interest rate policy ; Discount rates ; Reserves ; Economic models
Title: Mr. Ricardo's Great Adventure: Estimating Fiscal Multipliers in a Truly Intertemporal Model
Author/Editor:Bayoumi, Tamim ; Sgherri, Silvia
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 06/168
Subject: Consumption ; Discount rates ; Fiscal policy ; Income ; Interest rates ; Taxes

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