IMF Publications by Subject

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Development strategy
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Title: Startups and Venture Capital in Japan: How to Grow
Author/Editor:Salih Fendoglu,TengTeng Xu
lblSeries:Selected Issues Paper No. 2024/027
Title: Developments and Challenges in the Caribbean Region
Author/Editor:Itam, Samuel P. ; Cueva, Simón ; Lundbäck, Erik J. ; Stotsky, Janet Gale ; Tokarick, Stephen
lblSeries:Occasional Paper No. 201
Subject: Development strategy
Title: Helping Countries Develop: The Role of Fiscal Policy
Author/Editor:Gupta, Sanjeev ; Inchauste, Gabriela ; Clements, Benedict J.
Subject: Development plans ; Development policy ; Development strategy ; Fiscal policy

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