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Consumer goods
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Title: Two-Sided Market, R&D and Payments System Evolution
Author/Editor:Bin Grace Li,James McAndrews,Zhu Wang
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/57
Title: Real Effective Exchange Rate and Trade Balance Adjustment: The Case of Turkey
Author/Editor:Plamen K Iossifov,Xuan Fei
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/131
Title: Business Cycles in Emerging Markets: The Role of Durable Goods and Financial Frictions
Author/Editor:Alvarez-Parra, Fernando ; Brandao Marques, Luis ; Toledo, Manuel
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 11/133
Subject: Business cycles ; Consumer goods ; Economic models ; Emerging markets ; External shocks
Title: Competitiveness Indicators - A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment
Author/Editor:Marsh, Ian W. ; Tokarick, Stephen
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 94/29
Subject: Real effective exchange rates ; Consumer price indexes ; Consumer goods ; Prices ; Labor costs ; Balance of trade ; Economic models
Title: Counterfeit Goods and Income Inequality
Author/Editor:Scandizzo, Stefania
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 01/13
Subject: Consumer goods ; Income distribution ; Economic models
Title: The Dynamics of Product Quality and International Competitiveness
Author/Editor:Igan, Deniz ; Fabrizio, Stefania ; Mody, Ashoka
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 07/97
Subject: Export competitiveness ; Europe ; European Union ; International trade ; Consumer goods
Title: Elasticity Optimism
Author/Editor:Imbs, Jean ; Mejean, Isabelle
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 09/279
Subject: Consumer goods ; Data analysis ; Economic models ; Exports ; Imports ; International trade ; Monetary policy ; United States
Title: Fiscal Policy for the Crisis
Author/Editor:Spilimbergo, Antonio ; Symansky, Steven A. ; Blanchard, Olivier J. ; Cottarelli, Carlo
lblSeries:Staff Position Note No. 2008/01
Subject: Consumer goods ; Consumption ; Financial crisis ; Fiscal policy ; Fiscal sustainability ; Government expenditures ; Private sector ; Public sector ; Services sector ; Stabilization measures
Title: Intellectual Property Rights and International R&D Competition
Author/Editor:Scandizzo, Stefania
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 01/81
Subject: Competition ; Trade ; Consumer goods ; Production ; Economic models
Title: Leadership Contestability, Monopolistic Rents and Growth
Author/Editor:Roberto Piazza
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 11/63
Subject: Consumer goods ; Economic growth ; Economic models ; Industrial production
Title: Why Has Japan Been Hit So Hard by the Global Recession?
Author/Editor:Martin Sommer
lblSeries:Staff Position Note No. 2009/5
Subject: Consumer goods ; Domestic investment ; Industrial sector ; Manufacturing sector ; Spillovers

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