IMF Publications by Subject

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Transfer of real resources
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Title: On the Design and Effectiveness of Targeted Expenditure Programs
Author/Editor:Ahmad, Ehtisham ; Martinez, Leonardo
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 04/220
Subject: Transfer of real resources ; Government expenditures ; Fiscal management ; Economic models
Title: Regional Disparities and Transfer Policies in Russia: Theory and Evidence
Author/Editor:Dabla-Norris, Era ; Weber, Shlomo
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 01/199
Subject: Economic conditions ; Russian Federation ; Transfer of real resources ; Economic models
Title: Targeting Social Transfers to the Poor in Mexico
Author/Editor:Coady, David ; Parker, Susan
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 09/60
Subject: Transfer of real resources ; Mexico ; Social policy ; Social safety nets ; Data analysis

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