IMF Publications by Subject

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Public sector savings
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Title: The Potential Contribution of Fiscal Policy to Rebalancing and Growth in New Zealand
Author/Editor:Schule, Werner
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/128
Subject: Current account balances ; Current account deficits ; Economic models ; Fiscal policy ; Government expenditures ; New Zealand ; Public sector savings ; Tax reforms
Title: Saving in Latin America and the Caribbean : Performance and Policies
Author/Editor:Francesco Grigoli ; Alexander Herman ; Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 15/108
Subject: Savings ; Latin America ; Caribbean ; Private savings ; Public sector savings ; Terms of trade ; Fiscal policy ; Monetary policy
Title: Savings, Investment, and Growth in Eastern Europe
Author/Editor:Borensztein, Eduardo ; Montiel, Peter
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 91/61
Subject: Savings ; Investment ; Economic growth ; Eastern Europe ; Private investment ; Public investment ; Public sector savings ; Private savings ; Privatization ; External debt

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