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Producer prices
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Title: An Empirical Investigation of Exchange Rate Pass-Through in South Africa
Author/Editor:Bhundia, Ashok
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 02/165
Subject: Exchange rates ; South Africa ; Producer prices ; Exchange rate instability
Title: Exchange Rate Pass Through to Prices in Maldives
Author/Editor:Iyabo Masha ; Chanho Park
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 12/126
Subject: Consumer prices ; Economic models ; Exchange rates ; Producer prices
Title: Inflation and Income Inequality : Is Food Inflation Different?
Author/Editor:James P Walsh ; Jiangyan Yu
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 12/147
Subject: Agricultural commodities ; Commodity prices ; Income distribution ; Producer prices
Title: Methodologies of Price Indices in Transition Countries
Author/Editor:Zieschang, Kimberly D.
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 95/106
Subject: Prices ; Centrally planned economies ; Consumer price indexes ; Producer prices ; Economic models
Title: New Keynesian Exchange Rate Pass-Through
Author/Editor:Choi, Woon Gyu ; Cook, David
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 08/213
Subject: Imports ; Producer prices ; Exchange rates ; Exports ; Trade models ; Economic models
Title: Quality, Trade, and Exchange Rate Pass-Through
Author/Editor:Natalie Chen ; Luciana Juvenal
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 14/42
Subject: Exchange rates ; Agricultural exports ; Producer prices ; Real effective exchange rates ; External shocks ; Economic models
Title: The Exchange Rate Pass -Through to Import and Export Prices : The Role of Nominal Rigidities and Currency Choice
Author/Editor:Ehsan U. Choudhri ; Dalia Hakura
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 12/226
Subject: Economic models ; Exchange rates ; Producer prices

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