IMF Publications by Subject

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National income
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Title: The Structural Determinants of the Labor Share in Europe
Author/Editor:Dilyana Dimova
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/67
Title: Doing More for Less? New Evidence on Lobbying and Government Contracts
Author/Editor:Senay Agca,Deniz O Igan,Fuhong Li,Prachi Mishra
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/172
Title: U.S. Investment Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
Author/Editor:Emanuel Kopp,Daniel Leigh,Susanna Mursula,Suchanan Tambunlertchai
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/120
Title: Asset Booms and Structural Fiscal Positions: The Case of Ireland
Author/Editor:Kanda, Daniel
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/57
Subject: Asset prices ; Business cycles ; Economic growth ; Economic models ; Fiscal analysis ; Fiscal policy ; Government expenditures ; Housing prices ; Ireland ; National income ; Revenues ; Taxes
Title: Effects of Globalization on Labor's Share in National Income
Author/Editor:Guscina, Anastasia
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 06/294
Subject: Labor ; National income accounts ; Globalization ; Labor productivity ; Employment policy ; Trade policy
Title: Globalization and Income Inequality: A European Perspective
Author/Editor:Harjes, Thomas
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 07/169
Subject: Globalization ; Europe ; Income distribution ; National income accounts
Title: National Income and Its Distribution
Author/Editor:Markus Bruckner ; Era Dabla-Norris ; Mark Gradstein
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 14/101
Subject: National income ; Income distribution ; Income inequality ; Economic growth ; Econometric models
Title: Small Island States in the Pacific : the Tyranny of Distance
Author/Editor:Chris Becker
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 12/223
Subject: Agriculture ; National income ; Pacific Island Countries ; Small states
Title: Trade and Growth in the Presence of Distortions
Author/Editor:Cassing, James H ; Tokarick, Stephen
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 05/12
Subject: Tariffs ; Egypt ; Trade ; Economic growth ; Capital accumulation ; National income accounts ; Economic models

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