IMF Publications by Subject

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Monetary systems
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Title: The Choice of Monetary and Exchange Rate Arrangements for a Small, Open, Low-Income Economy: The Case of Sao Tome and Principe
Author/Editor:Wang, Jian-Ye ; Ronci, Márcio Valério ; Farhan, Nisreen H. ; Takebe, Misa ; Shanghavi, Amar
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 08/118
Subject: Exchange rate regimes ; São Tomé and Príncipe ; Currencies ; Monetary systems ; Debt management ; Fiscal management ; Small states
Title: Macroeconomic Shocks and Trade Flows Within Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for Optimum Currency Arrangements
Author/Editor:Bayoumi, Tamim A. ; Ostry, Jonathan David
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 95/142
Subject: Monetary systems ; Sub-Saharan Africa ; Exchange arrangements ; Monetary unions ; Trade
Title: A New Taxonomy of Monetary Regimes
Author/Editor:Stone, Mark R. ; Bhundia, Ashok
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 04/191
Subject: Monetary policy ; Monetary systems ; Transparency ; Exchange rate regimes
Title: One Money, One Market - A Revised Benchmark
Author/Editor:Eicher, Theo S. ; Henn, Christian
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 09/186
Subject: Bilateral trade ; Economic models ; Markets ; Monetary systems ; Monetary unions ; Trade integration ; Trade relations
Title: The Chicago Plan Revisited
Author/Editor:Michael Kumhof ; Jaromir Benes
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 12/202
Subject: Bank credit ; Banking systems ; Economic models ; Monetary systems

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