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Household expenditure
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Title: Amortization Requirements May Increase Household Debt : A Simple Example
Author/Editor:Lars E. O. Svensson
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 16/83
Subject: Debt ; Borrowing ; Sweden ; Debt service ; Loans ; Mortgages ; Household expenditure
Title: Income Polarization in the United States
Author/Editor:Ali Alichi ; Kory Kantenga ; Juan Sole
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 16/121
Subject: Income distribution ; United States ; Income inequality ; Private consumption ; Household expenditure
Title: Understanding India’s Food Inflation : The Role of Demand and Supply Factors
Author/Editor:Rahul Anand ; Naresh Kumar ; Volodymyr Tulin
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 16/2
Subject: Food prices ; India ; Inflation ; Cereals ; Supply and demand ; Household consumption ; Household expenditure ; Monetary policy

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