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Export growth
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Title: (Why) Should Current Account Balances Be Reduced?
Author/Editor:Milesi-Ferretti, Gian-Maria ; Blanchard, Olivier
lblSeries:Staff Discussion Notes No. 11/3
Subject: Current account ; Exchange rates ; Export growth ; Spillovers
Title: Euro Area Export Performance and Competitiveness
Author/Editor:Bayoumi, Tamim ; Harmsen, Richard T. ; Turunen, Jarkko
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 11/140
Subject: Cross country analysis ; Demand ; Economic models ; Euro Area ; Export competitiveness ; Export growth ; Export performance ; Exports ; Price elasticity ; Real effective exchange rates
Title: Export Performance in Europe : What Do We Know from Supply Links?
Author/Editor:Jesmin Rahman ; Tianli Zhao
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 13/62
Subject: Export growth ; Europe ; International trade ; Exports
Title: Global Value Chains and the Exchange Rate Elasticity of Exports
Author/Editor:Swarnali Ahmed ; Maximiliano Appendino ; Michele Ruta
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 15/252
Subject: Exports ; Real effective exchange rates ; Price elasticity ; Manufactured goods ; Export growth ; Exchange rate depreciation
Title: Japan out of the Lost Decade : Divine Wind or Firms’ Effort?
Author/Editor:Ichiro Tokutsu ; Kazuo Ogawa ; Mika Saito
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 12/171
Subject: Economic models ; Export growth ; Export performance ; Manufacturing ; Statistical annexes

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