IMF Publications by Subject

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Crisis prevention
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Title: Assessing Early Warning Systems: How Have They Worked in Practice?
Author/Editor:Berg, Andrew ; Borensztein, Eduardo ; Pattillo, Catherine A.
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 04/52
Subject: Crisis prevention ; Currencies ; Economic indicators ; Economic forecasting ; Forecasting models ; Balance of payments need
Title: Autocorrelation-Corrected Standard Errors in Panel Probits: An Application to Currency Crisis Prediction
Author/Editor:Berg, Andrew ; Coke, Rebecca N.
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 04/39
Subject: Crisis prevention ; Currencies ; Economic models
Title: Can Debt Crises Be Self-Fulfilling?
Author/Editor:Chamon, Marcos
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 04/99
Subject: Financial crisis ; External debt ; Public debt ; Crisis prevention ; Liquidity
Title: IMF Lending and Banking Crises
Author/Editor:Luca Papi ; Andrea Presbitero ; Alberto Zazzaro
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 15/19
Subject: IMF Lending ; Banking crisis ; Intervention ; Crisis prevention ; Conditionality ; Developing countries ; Cross country analysis
Title: IMF Support and Crisis Prevention
Author/Editor:Ghosh, Atish R. ; Joshi, Bikas ; Kim, Jun Il ; Ramakrishnan, Uma ; Thomas, Alun H. ; Zalduendo, Juan
lblSeries:Occasional Paper No. 262
Subject: Balance of payments assistance ; Capital account ; Crisis prevention ; Cross country analysis ; Emerging markets ; Financial crisis ; Foreign exchange reserves ; Fund role ; Fund-supported adjustment programs ; Multilateral surveillance
Title: The Link Between Adherence to International Standards of Good Practice, Foreign Exchange Spreads, and Ratings
Author/Editor:Christofides, Charalambos ; Mulder, Christian B. ; Tiffin, Andrew
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 03/74
Subject: Standards and codes ; Foreign exchange ; Credit ; Crisis prevention ; Emerging markets ; Economic models
Title: The Role of Corporate, Legal and Macroeconomic Balance Sheet Indicators in Crisis Detection and Prevention
Author/Editor:Mulder, Christian B. ; Perrelli, Roberto ; De la Rocha, Manuel
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 02/59
Subject: Financial crisis ; Accounts ; Emerging markets ; External financing ; Crisis prevention ; Economic models
Title: The Role of IMF Support in Crisis Prevention
Author/Editor:Ramakrishnan, Uma ; Zalduendo, Juan
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 06/75
Subject: Fund-supported adjustment programs ; Balance of payments assistance ; Crisis prevention ; Capital account ; Financial crisis
Title: Sovereign Credit Ratings Methodology: An Evaluation
Author/Editor:Bhatia, Ashok Vir
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 02/170
Subject: Credit ; Debt ; Crisis prevention ; Exchange risk ; Reserves adequacy
Title: Strengthening IMF Crisis Prevention
Author/Editor:Ostry, Jonathan David ; Zettelmeyer, Jeromin
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 05/206
Subject: Fund ; Crisis prevention ; Exchange rate policy surveillance
Title: A Theory of International Crisis Lending and IMF Conditionality
Author/Editor:Jeanne, Olivier ; Zettelmeyer, Jeromin ; Ostry, Jonathan David
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 08/236
Subject: Financial crisis ; Crisis prevention ; Fund role ; Conditionality ; Moral hazard ; Spillovers

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