IMF Publications by Subject

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Central banking
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Title: External Audit Arrangements at Central Banks
Author/Editor:Atilla Arda,Martin Gororo,Joanna Grochalska,Mowele Mohlala
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 18/199
Title: Liquidity Ratios as Monetary Policy Tools: Some Historical Lessons for Macroprudential Policy
Author/Editor:Eric Monnet,Miklos Vari
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 19/176
Title: The Rise of Digital Money
Author/Editor:Tobias Adrian,Tommaso Mancini Griffoli
lblSeries:FinTech Notes No. 19/001
Title: Central Banking in Latin America : The Way Forward
Author/Editor:Mr. Yan Carriere-Swallow ; Luis I. Jacome H. ; Mr. Nicolas E Magud ; Alejandro M. Werner
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 16/197
Subject: Central banking ; Latin America ; Central banks ; Central bank autonomy ; Monetary policy ; Inflation targeting ; Exchange markets ; Intervention ; Price stabilization ; Macroprudential Policy ; Financial stability
Title: Global Financial Conditions and Monetary Policy Autonomy
Author/Editor:Carlos Caceres ; Yan Carriere-Swallow ; Bertrand Gruss
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 16/108
Subject: Economic conditions ; Small open economies ; Monetary policy ; Central bank autonomy ; Central banking and monetary issues ; Spillovers ; Vector autoregression ; Econometric models

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