IMF Publications by Subject

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Bank accounting
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Title: Balance Sheet Network Analysis of Too-Connected-to-Fail Risk in Global and Domestic Banking Systems
Author/Editor:Chan-Lau, Jorge A.
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/107
Subject: Bank accounting ; Banking systems ; Capital ; Credit risk ; Developed countries ; Emerging markets ; Financial institutions ; Financial risk ; Globalization ; International banking ; Risk management
Title: Nonperforming Loans in the GCC Banking System and their Macroeconomic Effects
Author/Editor:Espinoza, Raphael A. ; Prasad, Ananthakrishnan
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 10/224
Subject: Bank accounting ; Banking systems ; Banks ; Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf ; Credit risk ; Economic models ; Loans
Title: Procyclicality and Fair Value Accounting
Author/Editor:Novoa, Alicia ; Scarlata, Jodi G. ; Sole, Juan
lblSeries:Working Paper No. 09/39
Subject: Financial institutions ; Bank accounting ; Business cycles ; Capital markets ; Monetary policy ; Bank supervision ; Economic models

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