International Monetary Fund

Special Drawing Rights

General and Special SDR Allocations

Last Updated: July 28, 2017

A general allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) equivalent to about US$250 billion became effective on August 28, 2009. The allocation is designed to provide liquidity to the global economic system by supplementing the Fund’s member countries’ foreign exchange reserves.

The general SDR allocation was made to IMF members that are participants in the Special Drawing Rights Department (currently all 186 members) in proportion to their existing quotas in the Fund, which are based broadly on their relative size in the global economy.

Separately, the Fourth Amendment to the IMF Articles of Agreement providing for a special one-time allocation of SDRs entered into force on August 10, 2009. The special allocation was made to IMF members on September 9, 2009. The total of SDRs created under the special allocation was SDR 21.5 billion (about US$34 billion; see column 3 in the table below).

General and Special SDR Allocations
(in millions of SDRs)
Member Country General SDR Allocation1,3 Special SDR Allocation2 Total3
Afghanistan, Islamic State of 120.0 8.6 128.6
Albania * 36.1 10.3 46.5
Algeria 930.1 139.4 1,069.5
Angola * 212.2 60.8 273.0
Antigua and Barbuda * 10.0 2.5 12.5
Argentina 1,569.4 132.2 1,701.7
Armenia * 68.2 19.8 88.0
Australia 2,399.2 213.5 2,612.6
Austria 1,388.0 169.3 1,557.3
Azerbaijan * 119.3 34.3 153.6
Bahamas, The 96.6 17.6 114.2
Bahrain 100.1 18.1 118.2
Bangladesh 395.3 67.9 463.3
Barbados 50.0 6.3 56.3
Belarus * 286.4 82.2 368.6
Belgium 3,413.9 424.2 3,838.1
Belize * 13.9 4.0 17.9
Benin 45.9 3.9 49.8
Bhutan * 4.7 1.3 6.0
Bolivia 127.1 10.3 137.4
Bosnia-Herzegovina 125.4 15.0 140.4
Botswana 46.7 6.4 53.1
Brazil 2,250.7 277.7 2,528.4
Brunei Darussalam * 159.5 44.0 203.5
Bulgaria * 474.6 136.3 610.9
Burkina Faso 44.6 3.5 48.2
Burundi 57.1 3.1 60.2
Cambodia 64.9 3.6 68.5
Cameroon 137.7 15.1 152.8
Canada 4,721.6 487.2 5,208.8
Cape Verde 7.1 1.4 8.5
Central African Republic 41.3 2.8 44.0
Chad 41.5 2.7 44.2
Chile 634.6 60.3 695.0
China 5,997.3 755.6 6,752.9
Colombia 573.8 50.3 624.1
Comoros 6.6 1.2 7.8
Congo, Dem. Republic of 395.1 29.4 424.5
Congo, Republic of 62.7 7.3 70.0
Costa Rica 121.6 11.2 132.8
Cote d'Ivoire 241.1 32.0 273.1
Croatia 270.7 32.5 303.1
Cyprus 103.5 9.9 113.4
Czech Republic * 607.4 172.8 780.2
Denmark 1,217.8 134.8 1,352.6
Djibouti 11.8 2.2 14.0
Dominica 6.1 1.2 7.2
Dominican Republic 162.3 15.0 177.2
Ecuador 224.1 31.3 255.4
Egypt 699.6 63.0 762.5
El Salvador 127.0 11.8 138.8
Equatorial Guinea 24.2 1.3 25.5
Eritrea * 11.8 3.4 15.2
Estonia * 48.3 13.6 62.0
Ethiopia 99.1 17.7 116.8
Fiji 52.1 8.0 60.1
Finland 936.9 110.0 1,046.8
France 7,960.6 1,093.8 9,054.3
Gabon 114.4 18.2 132.6
Gambia, The 23.1 1.6 24.6
Georgia * 111.4 32.5 144.0
Germany 9,643.1 1,205.3 10,848.4
Ghana 273.5 17.3 290.9
Greece 610.1 68.7 678.8
Grenada 8.7 1.6 10.2
Guatemala 155.8 17.4 173.2
Guinea 79.4 5.5 84.9
Guinea-Bissau 10.5 1.9 12.4
Guyana 67.4 5.2 72.6
Haiti 60.7 4.1 64.8
Honduras 96.0 8.8 104.8
Hungary * 769.8 221.3 991.1
Iceland 87.2 8.6 95.8
India 3,082.5 214.6 3,297.1
Indonesia 1,541.4 200.1 1,741.5
Iran 1,109.9 72.1 1,182.0
Iraq 881.0 185.1 1,066.0
Ireland 621.5 66.6 688.2
Israel 688.1 88.9 777.0
Italy 5,230.3 643.4 5,873.7
Jamaica 202.7 18.3 221.0
Japan 9,868.9 1,524.4 11,393.3
Jordan 126.4 18.8 145.2
Kazakhstan * 271.1 72.6 343.7
Kenya 201.2 21.5 222.7
Kiribati * 4.2 1.2 5.3
Korea 2,170.0 161.5 2,331.5
Kosovo * 43.7 11.6 55.4
Kuwait 1,023.8 265.0 1,288.8
Kyrgyz Republic * 65.8 18.9 84.7
Lao, People's Dem. Republic 39.2 2.1 41.3
Latvia * 94.0 26.8 120.8
Lebanon 150.5 38.4 188.9
Lesotho 25.9 3.3 29.1
Liberia 95.8 7.2 103.0
Libya 833.0 180.9 1,013.9
Lithuania * 106.9 30.3 137.2
Luxembourg 206.9 22.8 229.7
Macedonia, FYR 51.1 6.2 57.2
Madagascar 90.6 7.2 97.8
Malawi 51.4 3.9 55.4
Malaysia 1,102.0 105.1 1,207.1
Maldives 6.1 1.3 7.4
Mali 69.2 4.3 73.5
Malta 75.6 8.5 84.1
Marshall Islands * 2.6 0.7 3.3
Mauritania 47.7 4.2 51.9
Mauritius 75.3 5.7 81.1
Mexico 2,337.2 224.0 2,561.2
Micronesia, Fed. States of * 3.8 1.0 4.8
Moldova * 91.3 26.4 117.7
Mongolia * 37.9 10.9 48.8
Montenegro * 20.4 5.4 25.8
Morocco 436.0 39.7 475.7
Mozambique * 84.2 24.6 108.8
Myanmar 191.6 10.7 202.3
Namibia * 101.2 29.2 130.4
Nepal 52.9 7.1 60.0
Netherlands 3,826.9 479.4 4,306.3
New Zealand 663.2 49.3 712.4
Nicaragua 96.4 8.7 105.1
Niger 48.8 4.8 53.5
Nigeria 1,299.7 218.6 1,518.2
Norway 1,239.2 156.1 1,395.3
Oman 143.8 28.7 172.6
Pakistan 766.3 52.3 818.6
Palau, Republic of * 2.3 0.7 3.0
Panama 153.2 17.5 170.7
Papua New Guinea 97.6 18.6 116.2
Paraguay 74.1 7.4 81.5
Peru 473.3 45.3 518.6
Philippines 652.3 69.1 721.4
Poland * 1,014.9 289.8 1,304.6
Portugal 643.0 110.1 753.2
Qatar 195.6 43.0 238.6
Romania 763.7 145.1 908.8
Russia * 4,407.4 1,264.4 5,671.8
Rwanda 59.4 3.7 63.1
Samoa 8.6 1.3 9.9
San Marino * 12.6 2.9 15.5
Sao Tome and Principe 5.5 1.0 6.5
Saudi Arabia 5,178.4 1,308.5 6,487.0
Senegal 119.9 10.4 130.3
Serbia 346.7 41.7 388.4
Seychelles 6.5 1.4 7.9
Sierra Leone 76.9 5.2 82.1
Singapore 639.4 88.4 727.7
Slovak Republic * 265.0 75.5 340.5
Slovenia 171.8 18.7 190.5
Solomon Islands 7.7 1.5 9.3
Somalia 32.8 4.2 36.9
South Africa 1,385.1 179.9 1,565.1
Spain 2,260.2 268.6 2,528.8
Sri Lanka 306.5 18.1 324.6
St. Kitts and Nevis * 6.6 1.9 8.5
St. Lucia 11.3 2.5 13.8
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 6.2 1.4 7.6
Sudan 125.8 16.1 141.9
Suriname 68.3 12.1 80.3
Swaziland 37.6 4.3 41.9
Sweden 1,775.8 226.6 2,002.4
Switzerland * 2,563.8 724.2 3,288.0
Syrian Arab Republic 217.6 25.0 242.6
Tajikistan * 64.5 17.6 82.1
Tanzania 147.4 11.7 159.1
Thailand 802.0 83.6 885.6
Timor-Leste * 6.1 1.6 7.7
Togo 54.4 4.9 59.4
Tonga * 5.1 1.5 6.6
Trinidad and Tobago 248.8 26.1 274.9
Tunisia 212.4 26.1 238.5
Turkey 883.1 75.9 959.0
Turkmenistan * 55.7 14.1 69.8
Uganda 133.8 9.9 143.7
Ukraine * 1,017.1 292.4 1,309.4
United Arab Emirates 453.5 76.2 529.7
United Kingdom 7,960.6 260.6 8,221.1
United States 27,539.1 2,877.0 30,416.2
Uruguay 227.2 16.1 243.3
Uzbekistan * 204.3 58.5 262.8
Vanuatu * 12.6 3.7 16.3
Venezuela 1,971.2 255.1 2,226.4
Vietnam 244.0 23.2 267.1
Yemen, Republic of 180.5 23.0 203.5
Zambia 362.6 38.3 400.8
Zimbabwe 262.0 66.4 328.4
Total3 161,184.33 21,452.7 182,637.0
Source: IMF Finance Department.
1/ The general allocation of 74.1309799813 percent of quotas will take place on August 28, 2009.
2/ Provided under the Fourth Amendment of the Articles of Agreement; will take place on September 9, 2009.
3/Assuming that no members opt out.
* Countries that will receive allocations for the first time as a result of both the General and Special SDR Allocation.