IMF Finances
IMF Executive Board Discusses
Quota Formulas
Alternative Quota Formulas-- Further Considerations May 3, 2002


Alternative Quota Formulas—Considerations: Statistical Appendix
Prepared by the Treasurer's and Statistics Departments
(In cooperation with other Departments)
May 3, 2002
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I. |
Origins of PPP Data in the World
Economic Outlook
II. |
The Effect of Weights of Variables on
Calculated Quota Shares: Analytical Results
- Origin of PPP Conversion Factors Used in the Latest
World Economic Outlook
- Criteria for Rise in Calculated Quota Share When
Weights are Increased
- Critical Values for an Increase in Quota Share When
Weights are Increased
Individual Country Data |
Annex Tables
- Distribution of Variables in World Totals: GDP and Openness
- Distribution of International Investment Position of Reporting
- Distribution of Variables in World Totals: Variability and
- Calculated Quota Shares: Equal Weights of Variables
- Calculated Quota Shares: GDP with Largest Weight
- Calculated Quota Shares: Targeting a Specific Distribution
of Quota Shares
- Calculated Quota Shares: Predetermination
- Calculated Quota Shares: Two Formulas
- Mr. Kelkar's Current Voting Power Proposal
- Illustrative Voting Shares: No Change in Quotas and Increased
Basic Votes
- Illustrative Voting Shares: General Quota Increase and Increased
Basic Votes