Update on the Financing of the Fund's Participation in the PRGF and HIPC Initiatives (579 kb pdf file)
August 29, 2001
Financing the Fund's Participation in the HIPC Initiative and the Continuation of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility—An Update
April 20, 2001
Report by the Acting Managing Director on Financing the Fund's Participation in the HIPC Initiative and the Continuation of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility April 14, 2000
Progress in Strengthening the Architecture
of the International Financial System
March 30, 2000



Update on the Financing of PRGF and HIPC Operations and Subsidization of Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance

Prepared by the Treasurer's Department (In consultation with the Legal and Policy Development and Review Departments)

Approved by Eduard Brau

March 25, 2002
Use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the full
text of 820kb pdf file.
Executive Summary
- Introduction and Background
- Financing of PRGF-HIPC Operations
- PRGF Loan Resources
- PRGF Subsidies and HIPC Initiative Grants
- Reserve Account Coverage
- Adequacy of Concessional Resources
- Subsidizing Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance
- Issues for Discussion and Proposed Decision
Text Tables
1. New Loan Resources Committed by Lenders
2. Availability of PRGF Loan Resources
3. Financing of PRGF Subsidies and HIPC Initiative Grants
4. Interest Rate Sensitivity of PRGF Subsidy and HIPC Grant Resources
5. Commitments and Disbursements of the Fund’s HIPC Initiative Assistance
6. Subsidy Disbursements for Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance
1. Reserve Account Coverage
2. PRGF Loan Commitments
Appendix Tables
7. Summary of Bilateral Subsidy and Loan Contributions to the PRGF and PRGF-HIPC Trusts
8. PRGF Trust—Subsidy Agreements
9. PRGF Trust—Loan Agreements
10. PRGF Trust—Reserve Account Coverage
11. Status of Bilateral Contributions to the PRGF-HIPC Trust
12. Information on Pending Bilateral Contributions to the PRGF-HIPC Trust
Annex I
PRGF-HIPC Subsidy and Grant Resources—Presentation on "As Needed"
Versus Cash Basis