I. Introduction
II. The Criteria for Access in Individual Cases
A. The Criteria
B. The Record in Applying the Criteria
C. The Fund's Catalytic Role and the Adequacy of Total Financing
III. The System of Access Limits
A. The Purposes of the Access Limits
B. The Case for an Explicit Access Norm
C. Emergency Assistance and the CFF
D. How Should Access Limits and Norms Develop in the Future?
IV. Proposed Access Limits and Norms
A. Gross Financing Need and Liquidity
B. Frequency of Access Reviews
C. Proposed Access Limits
D. Proposed Access Norm
V. Summary of Staff Proposals
VI. Proposed Decision
- Access under "Ordinary"Fund Arrangements by Year of
Approval, 1994-2000
- Gross Financing Need of Past users, 1996-2003 (in SDR billions)
- Gross Financing Need of Past Users, 1996-2003 (in percent of
11th review quota)
- Access, Fund Credit and Liquidity under Alternative Access Scenarios
1. The 1983 Guidelines on Access in Individual Cases
2. The Framework for Access Policy Under the Different Facilities
1. Annual Access under SBAs and EFFs