Total |
Maturity breakdown
(residual maturity, where applicable) |
Up to 1
month |
More than 1 month
and up to 3 months |
More than 3 months
and up to 1 year |
1. Contingent liabilities in
foreign currency |
(a) Collateral
guarantees on debt
falling due
within 1 year |
(b) Other contingent
liabilities |
2. Foreign currency
securities issued with embedded
options (puttable bonds)8 |
3. Undrawn, unconditional
credit lines9 provided
by: |
(a) other national monetary authorities, BIS,
IMF, and other international organizations |
—other national monetary authorities (+) |
(+) |
(+) |
—other international organizations (+) |
(b) banks and
f align="left"inancial institutions
headquartered in
the reporting country (+) |
(c) banks and
financial institutions
headquartered outside
the reporting country (+) |
4. Undrawn,
unconditional credit lines provided
to: |
(a) other national monetary authorities, BIS,
IMF, and other
international organizations |
—other national monetary
authorities (–) |
(–) |
(–) |
—other international organizations (–) |
(b) banks and other
institutions headquartered
in reporting country (–) |
(c) banks and other
institutions headquartered
outside the reporting
(–) |
5. Aggregate short and long
positions of options in foreign
currencies vis-à-vis the domestic
currency 1"0"
(a) Short
positions |
(i) bought
puts |
(ii) Written
calls |
(b) Long
positions |
(i) bought
calls |
(ii) Written
puts |
PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money
options11 |
(1) at current exchange
rate |
(a) Short
position |
(b) Long
position |
(2) + 5%
(depreciation of 5%) |
(a) Short
position |
(b) Long
position |
(3) – 5%
(appreciation of 5%) |
(a) Short
position |
(b) Long
position |
(4) + 10%
(depreciation of 10%) |
(a) Short
position |
(b) Long
position |
(5) – 10%
(appreciation of 10%) |
(a) Short
position |
(b) Long
position |
(6) Other
(specify) |