See Also:
IMF Data MapperŪ Balance of Payments Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB): metadata on SDDS and GDDS data categories External Debt Statistics: debt data, conference on capital flows and debt statistics, Guide for Compilers and Users, and other selected publications |
Balance of Payments: Selected Publications Last Updated: April 22, 2015
Balance of Payments Manuals/Guides Balance of Payments Statistics: International Standards and Guidelines on CD-ROM Financial Derivatives: a Supplement to the fifth edition (1993) of the Balance of Payments Manual See also Classification of Financial Derivatives Involving Affiliated Enterprises in the Balance of Payments Statistics and the International Investment Position (IIP) Statement (231 kb PDF file) Balance of Payments Textbook Balance of Payments Compilation Guide Balance of Payments Manual Balance of Payments Measurement Discrepancy Issues Report on the Measurement of International Capital Flows and Background Papers ("Godeaux Report") Report on World Current Account Discrepancy ("Esteva Report") International Capital Data: Needs, Projects, and Prospects Background Paper: Conference on Capital Flows and Debt Statistics: Can We Get Better Data Faster? Report on the Working Group on Capital Flows of the Financial Stability Forum Report on the Measurement of International Capital Flows Report on the Measurement of International Capital Flows: Background Papers The Identification of Capital Transfers in the Balance of Payments Foreign Direct Investment Trends and Statistics Two papers prepared by the IMF Statistics Department for an informal seminar on foreign direct investment (FDI) statistics held by the Executive Board on November 19, 2003. Provides an overview of the available statistics on FDI and the concepts and definitions underlying these statistics. Includes a discussion of some of the statistical discrepancies in the published data on FDI, findings from Foreign Direct Investment Statistics: How Countries Measure FDI, 2001, and planned and proposed activities to further develop FDI methodologies and statistics. Foreign Direct Investment Statistics: How Countries Measure FDI, 2001 2003. Summarizes the results of the 2001 update of the joint IMF/OECD Survey of Implementation of Methodological Standards for Direct Investment (SIMSDI) that covered 61 of the countries that participated in the 1997 SIMSDI survey. Includes summary tables indicating the practices in 2001 and changes since the 1997 SIMSDI survey for OECD and non-OECD countries, as well as cross-country comparison tables for the participating countries, and a glossary of FDI terms and definitions. Available in hardcopy and as a PDF file (4,382k) Detailed metadata that describe the practices, and indicate whether those practices are in accordance with the international methodological standards are available for the 56 countries that agreed to make their information available to the general public at Report on the Survey of Implementation of Methodological Standards for Direct Investment Clarifications of the International Recommendations for Direct Investment Statistics (32k pdf file) See also entries under Financial Derivatives related to Classification. The OECD has published OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment: Third Edition, 1996 and the International Direct Investment Statistics Yearbook E-mail: Public Information Notice: IMF Executive Board Reviews Data Standards Third Review of the Fund's Data Standards Initiative. Background Paper: Conference on Capital Flows and Debt Statistics: Can We Get Better Data Faster? External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users. Statistics on External Debt The Bank for International Settlements publishes Quarterly Review: International Banking and Financial Market Developments as a PDF file on the BIS website ( The OECD has published the following documents: Debt Stocks, Debt Flows, and the Balance of Payments, 1994, and External Debt: Definition, Statistical Coverage and Methodology, 1988, both of which are joint publications of the Bank for International Settlements, the IMF, the OECD, and the World Bank. Financial Derivatives: a Supplement to the fifth edition (1993) of the Balance of Payments Manual The Financial Derivatives Supplement should be read in conjunction with the following document: Classification of Financial Derivatives Involving Affiliated Enterprises in the Balance of Payments Statistics and the International Investment Position (IIP) Statement (231 kb PDF file) The Statistical Measurement of Financial Derivatives
Medicion estadistica (3,896KB pdf file) Collecting Statistics on Financial Derivatives in the United Kingdom (473k pdf file) (BOPCOM98/1/14) Financial Derivatives in Australia's International Accounts (372k pdf file) (BOPCOM98/1/22) Recording Insurance Transactions in the Balance of Payments Statistical Treatment of Accrual of Interest on Debt Securities Recording Interest Income in the Balance of Payments International Investment Position Development of International Investment Position Statistics: A Supplement Development of International Investment Position Statistics International Investment Position: A Guide to Data Sources International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity: Guidelines for a Data Template Data Template on Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity International Trade in Services Manual on Statistics in International Trade in Services Effects of Volatile Asset Prices on Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Data The Meaning of Balance of Payments in an Interdependent World Linkages Between External Debt Data and Balance of Payments, Government Finance, and Monetary Statistics Non-produced, Non-financial Assets Treatment of Mobile Phone Licenses in the National Accounts Analysis of 1997 Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey Results and Plans for the 2001 Survey Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) Guide: second edition Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey Data and Metadata The Measurement of Reinvested Earnings in the Balance of Payments International Financial Statistics International Financial Statistics Yearbook Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook See also the Statistical Papers of the IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics |