International Monetary Fund

IMF Fellowship Program

New IMF Fellows Announced

Washington DC, October 07, 2013

TIMF has announced the selection of four IMF Fellows for year 2013-14.

Chosen through a competitive process that attracted high volume of applicants, the Fellows are:

  • Charles Calomiris, Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions, Columbia University
  • Anton Korinek, Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University
  • Andrew Levin, Special Advisor to Chairman and Vice Chair, Federal Reserve Board
  • Alberto Martin, Senior Researcher, Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional
Charles Calomiris

Charles Calomiris

Anton Korinek

Anton Korinek

Andrew Levin

Andrew Levin

Alberto Martin

Alberto Martin

Olivier Blanchard, the IMF's Economic Counsellor and Director of Research, said that the fellows bring "a wealth of research expertise and policy experience that covers the spectrum of topics of interest to the Fund-monetary and fiscal policy, real-financial linkages, large scale-modeling of the global economy, and economic development. I look forward to having them at the IMF."

Bios of IMF Fellows:

Charles Calomiris is a visiting fellow in the Research Department on leave from Columbia Business School, where he serves as the Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions. He is the author of numerous books and articles in banking, corporate finance, financial history, and monetary economics. He is a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, co-managing editor of the Journal of Financial Intermediation, and a member of the Shadow Open Market Committee, the Financial Economists Roundtable, and the Advisory Scientific Committee of the European Systemic Risk Board.

Anton Korinek is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Johns Hopkins University and a Faculty Research Fellow at the NBER. He received his PhD from Columbia University in 2007 after three years of work experience in the financial sector. He has also worked at the University of Maryland and has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS and the Bundesbank.

His area of expertise is international finance and macroeconomics. In his research, Korinek focuses on capital controls and macro-prudential regulation as policy instruments to reduce the risk of future financial crises. He investigates the global spillover effects of such policy measures as well as their implications for income inequality. He has won several fellowships and awards for this work, most recently from the Institute for New Economic Thinking.

During his time as a Research Fellow at the IMF, Korinek will conduct research on the interactions of capital controls and macroprudential regulation. He will also work on a project studying aggregate demand externalities from deleveraging when an economy is in a liquidity trap.

Andrew Levin has been an economist at the Federal Reserve Board since 1992. Most recently, from 2010 to 2012 he served as a special adviser to Chairman Bernanke and Vice Chair Yellen on monetary policy strategy and communications. Over the past two decades, Levin has also had extensive interactions with many other central banks: He has provided technical assistance to the national banks of Albania and Macedonia, served as a consultant to the ECB’s inflation persistence network and to the Bank of Canada’s external review of research, was a co-editor of the International Journal of Central Banking, and has been a visiting scholar at the Bank of Japan and the Dutch National Bank. Levin’s own research has been published in leading economic journals, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of the European Economic Association, the Journal of Monetary Economics, and the Journal of Econometrics. Levin’s latest research has focused on labor force participation and monetary policy in the wake of the Great Recession, and he is also investigating the performance of simple monetary policy rules when nominal interest rates are constrained by the zero lower bound.

Alberto Martin is a Senior Researcher at the Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional (CREI) in Barcelona, an Adjunct Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and a Research Professor at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. He is also a Research Affiliate at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (London) and a member of the editorial board of the Review of Economic Studies. In the past, Martin has been a Lamfalussy Fellow (European Central Bank) and a Fulbright Fellow. He holds a PhD and an MPhil in Economics from Columbia University.

Martin´s research lies at the intersection of macroeconomics and finance. His work has been published in leading economic journals including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of International Economics and the Journal of Economic Theory. While a Fellow at the IMF, he will conduct research on the links between sovereign debt and private financial markets, the macroeconomic effects of asset bubbles, and the effects of capital inflows on private credit and growth.