Doha Development Agenda and Aid for Trade

Prepared by the Staffs of the IMF and World Bank

September 19, 2005

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  1. The Doha Development Agenda (DDA): State of Play
    1. Agriculture
    2. Non-Agricultural Market Access (NAMA)
    3. Services
    4. Trade Facilitation and Other Topics
    5. Development Issues and Aid for Trade
    6. Conclusion
  2. Aid for Trade
    1. The Case for Aid for Trade
    2. Progress to Date on Aid for Trade
    3. Ways Forward on Aid for Trade
      Enhancing the IF
      Cross-Country and Regional Aid for Trade Addressing Adjustment Costs
    4. Conclusions and Recommendations


  1. A Possible Model for In-Country Institutional Strengthening of the IF


  1. Cover Letter and Paper from Geneva Consultation Process
  2. Integrated Framework: Currrent State of Affairs
  3. Breakdown of LDCs and IDA only Countries by Region
  4. Examples of Existing Mechanisms to Address Adjustment