Review of PRGF Program Design—Overview

Prepared by the Policy Development and Review Department
In consultation with the other Departments

August 8, 2005

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  1. Introduction
  2. The Context for Program Design
  3. Lessons for the Design of Fund-supported Programs
    1. Is There Scope for More Fiscal Space?
    2. Absorbing Higher Aid Inflows
    3. Sustainability
    4. Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies
  4. Synthesis
  5. Issues for Discussion
  6. References

1. Economic and Social Indicators in PRGF and Other Developing Countries

1. Changes in Political and Economic Institutions
2. A Trilemma of Their Own: Higher Government Spending, Private Sector Development, and Policy Sustainability in Low-Income Countries
3. Ratios to GDP of the NPV of External Debt and (nominal) Domestic Debt