Microfinance in Africa: Experience and Lessons from Selected African Countries (pdf file, 442 kb), IMF Working Paper, September 1, 2004

Microfinance and the Poor (pdf file, 75 kb), Finance & Development, June 1, 2004

Microfinance: A View from the Fund

Prepared by the Monetary and Financial Systems Department (With contributions from the African, Policy Development and Review, and Research Departments)

January 25, 2005

Use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the full text of the 208 kb pdf file.

I.   Introduction
II.   Definitions, Scope and Key Issues
   The size and scope of microfinance institutions
   Can MFIs become commercially viable?
III.   Policy Issues Concerning Microfinance: An Overview
   Microfinance and economic efficiency
   Microfinance and equality
   Regulation and supervision of microfinance
   Complementary public policies
IV.   The Role of International Financial Institutions in Microfinance
   Activities of the WBG and other institutions in promoting microfinance
   The scope for Fund activities on microfinance issues
V.   Conclusion
1.   Selected Indicators for a Sample of Microfinance Institutions, July 2003
1.   Types and Scope of MFIs
2.   Are MFIs Commercially Viable?
3.   The Regulatory Environment of MFIs
4.   Cooperation between DFID, CIDA, SIDA and RNE in Funding Microfinance in Tanzania
5.   Microfinance in the Context of the FSAP: The Case of Tanzania