Publications on Trade Liberalization |
Market Access for Developing Countries' Exports Prepared by the Staffs of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank April 27, 2001 Use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the full text (722kb, pdf file). ContentsExecutive Summary I. Introduction II. Changes in the Pattern of World Trade III. Protection in Merchandise Trade
B. Agricultural Subsidies and Nontariff Measures (NTMs) C. Trade Preferences D. Conclusions IV. Trade in Services
B. Measuring Barriers to Trade in Services C. Conclusions V. The Gains From Liberalization
B. Gains From Liberalization in Services C. Conclusions Figures
2. Developing Countries: Share of Exports Going to Other Developing Countries, 1965-98 3. World: Product Composition of Merchandise Exports, 1965-98 4. Developing Countries: Composition of Merchandise Exports, 1965-98 5. Share of Commercial Services in Total Exports of Goods and Services, 1980-97 6. Sub-Saharan Africa: Composition of Merchandise Exports, 1965-95 7. Commodity Composition and Export Growth, 1980-99 8. Simple Average MFN Tariffs, 2000 9. Tariff Escalation: Average Applied Tariffs by Stage of Production 10. Initiations of Antidumping Investigations, 1987-99 11. Relationship Between Income Level and GATS Commitments 12. Structure of WTO Members' Commitments by Sector, June 2000 Text Tables
2. Post-Uruguay Round Average Tariff Rates 3. Quad Countries: Imports and Tariff Peaks, 1999 4. Select Countries: Import Tariff Maximum and Tariff Peaks 5. Industrial Country Imports from Developing Countries: Changes in Tariff Escalation 6. Trade Weighted Average Tariffs 7. Initiations of Antidumping Investigations, 1995-99 8. Tariff Peaks and Preferential Duty Rates in the Quad, 1999 9. Welfare Gains from Post-Uruguay Round Trade Liberalization 10. Welfare Effects of Trade Liberalization on Developing Countries Text Boxes
2. Agriculture: Tariffication and Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs) 3. Standards in International Trade 4. The Cost of Customs and Border Procedures 5. Recent Market Access Initiatives for LDCs 6. What's Different About Services? 7. Barriers to Trade in Services Appendix Tables
2. Post-Uruguay Round Bound Tariffs on Agricultural and Industrial Products Appendices
II. The GATS Rules on Measures Affecting Services Trade Bibliography |